Personal considerations .Happen also to you?
Posted 2012-September-06, 06:03
Posted 2012-September-06, 07:16
George Carlin
Posted 2012-September-06, 08:14
gwnn, on 2012-September-06, 07:16, said:
I find this to be especially good advice when declaring 1NT. It seems that defenders are more likely to err on lead early in a hand, rather than late, when they have gathered more information.
Posted 2012-September-06, 09:12
Posted 2012-September-06, 17:08
Posted 2012-September-07, 03:03
kuhchung, on 2012-September-06, 17:08, said:
Haspel !! Stop nicklaming !!
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2012-September-07, 08:02
gwnn, on 2012-September-06, 07:16, said:
I will post this on my CC holder
I have noticed recently that at times I still have a great aversion to loosing a trick even when it is smart or even imperative that I do.
Posted 2012-September-07, 08:39
I suppose the simple answer is that a declarer should always have some thoughts about how to get x tricks, and how to get them before the opponents take 14 minus x tricks. He should know what x is, and he should know what his plan is.
Sometimes this is easy, sometimes it is difficult. But that's why we continue to play, no? I agree that it may well be more difficult when x is 8 than it is when x is 13. Not always, but often.
Posted 2012-September-07, 12:48
MrAce, on 2012-September-07, 03:03, said:
I promise this is not an alt of anyone you know
Posted 2012-September-07, 13:07
kuhchung, on 2012-September-07, 12:48, said:
I know, it was just a joke, a private joke that only a few posters would get. Didn't mean anything towards you
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2012-September-07, 14:39
MrAce, on 2012-September-07, 13:07, said:
No problem. This is a very convenient way to get my post count toward 50.
Posted 2012-September-07, 17:09
ThymePuns, on 2012-September-07, 16:57, said:
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