Spread 'em How do you arrange dummy
Posted 2012-September-08, 06:02
If I have a jackpot I like to put that down first.
In trump contracts if pard has bid his own suit with no encouragement from me, I like to sometimes put those trumps in with the suit of the same colour, possibly along with a comment "you'd better have a bloody good suit" to give him a heart attack.
Posted 2012-September-08, 12:36
1) The suit least bid by us (and not dummy's longest) on the left
2) Alternating colors
3) The led suit as far to the right as possible
4) The higher valued cards farther from declarer (I don't mind too much when dummies do the opposite, but it can be distracting)
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2012-September-08, 14:27
BunnyGo, on 2012-September-08, 12:36, said:
Law 41D: Dummy’s Hand
Posted 2012-September-08, 14:43
1N p 3N, spade lead, and I have 5 spades for my 3N bid, I'm insta puttin down those spades.
However, if they make a good lead I put down that suit last, cuz F them.
If I have done anything weird in general on the hand, like not raise my partners major with AKx and then let him play 3N, or cuebid a 2 small (that they don't lead), I will definitely put that down first.
If I have 3 suits with no honors in them, but a really good hand overall, I will put those down first, like 1S p 2S AP and dummy is xxx xxx xxx AKQJ, I'm definitely putting down the clubs last (unless the opp led them).
If the opponents lead a trump and I have some tenace position like J9x that looks like it will pickle their partner, I will definitely put that down first.
Conversely, if the opponent doesn't make a trump lead on a normal trump lead auction (esp after tanking before leading), I'll put down my stiff side suit first so they can see my ruffing value immediately.
Posted 2012-September-08, 15:30
I also try to make sure that there are no bits of paper underneath my cards, so that the cards are clearly distinguishable from their surroundings.
Feel free to make use of either of these tips, with proper attribution of course.
Posted 2012-September-08, 18:22
Other than avoiding the placement of a suit partner has bid on my right, I try to just get the dummy down there and sit back.
Unless I want to mess with everyone, of course. Like with unexpected length, putting half the suit down first and then the rest as a fifth suit.
Or, knowing pard will be relying on values/length, I enjoy putting down two small as my first act. She is used to that, and just says "knock it off", before I finish.
Posted 2012-September-08, 19:29
Posted 2012-September-09, 04:28
aguahombre, on 2012-September-08, 18:22, said:
Unless I want to mess with everyone, of course. Like with unexpected length, putting half the suit down first and then the rest as a fifth suit.
Or, knowing pard will be relying on values/length, I enjoy putting down two small as my first act. She is used to that, and just says "knock it off", before I finish.
lol me too. Also If I have values in only one suit I like to put all the others down first. Really, anything that can give pard a heart attack is fun.
Posted 2012-September-09, 09:21
Quantumcat, on 2012-September-09, 04:28, said:
Given the age of some of the people I play with, I would question that.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2012-September-09, 12:32
Posted 2012-September-09, 23:52
barmar, on 2012-September-09, 12:32, said:
I did that to my partner a few nights ago, trying to wake him up. He proceeded to fall asleep and misplay the contract...
Back to the original question, I put them SHCD, just in case partner's a bit colour blind...
Unless explicitly stated, none of my views here can be taken to represent SCBA or any other organizations.
Posted 2012-September-10, 02:47
Posted 2012-September-10, 02:55
A related question: what is your position on egocentric defenders who put suits upside down (i.e. smallest card closest to them)? Do you ask them to turn it properly and if they think it's a weird/rude request, do you call the director?
George Carlin
Posted 2012-September-10, 03:04
Quantumcat, on 2012-September-09, 04:28, said:
If you have a fit like AKx in slam it can be fun to say 'I hope you have good trumps partner...'.
George Carlin
Posted 2012-September-10, 03:11
gwnn, on 2012-September-10, 02:55, said:
Posted 2012-September-10, 03:36
Antrax, on 2012-September-10, 03:11, said:
Good point on both counts. But I think some people do do it consistently because they think it's prettier to see the suits as e.g.
as opposed to
They either forget that this latter layout is exactly what their partner will have to endure or they don't care, and I think both possibilities are symptoms of egocentrism
George Carlin
Posted 2012-September-10, 04:21
Posted 2012-September-10, 05:39
Zelandakh, on 2012-September-10, 04:21, said:
Yea I know it's against the rules, hence my question about the director. But I've never heard anyone call a director for something like this. Another thing that annoys me slightly is when defenders touch my cards when I'm dummy to spread them 'better,' again illegal but again I've never heard anyone call the director for it. So I usually do not call the TD lest I become a secretary bird.
George Carlin
Posted 2012-September-10, 06:10
gwnn, on 2012-September-10, 05:39, said:
If they were spreading them evenly then I certainly would not call the Director about it. On the other hand I am particularly anal about laying out the dummy perfectly and may well "tidy up" after the defender removed their hand. If they were having difficulty seeing the cards I would happily increase the distance between each card to satisfy them.
Posted 2012-September-10, 09:04
There are also the ones who are new to using bidding boxes, and don't place the bidding cards so you can see all the previous bids.