Sit the double?
Posted 2012-September-04, 13:35
♠ 43
♥ AKT92
♦ K973
♣ K4
1H (2S) 3D (3S)
P (P) X (P)
Ops are regular partnership but not the best in the club.
We play 2/1 with system off over intervening bids. I couldn't remember if we played jump fits as we only play sporadically but we did play regularly at one point and it may have been discussed.
Partner does like to double but he did say at the start that he was going to be conservative.
I thought long and hard before pulling to 4D which partner converted to 4H and 11 tricks were made, but he was convinced straight after the board that we would have been better off leaving the double in.
Some questions:
1. Do you leave it in at Teams given the info I have provided?
2. Do you leave it in with a regular partner and if so what sort of hand do you expect opposite for the double?
3. Is it different at MPs?
4. Finally should I have not put myself in that position by bidding 4D instead of passing? I was afraid it would have shown a much stronger hand.
As always, thanks in advance,
Posted 2012-September-04, 13:42
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other. -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2012-September-04, 13:59
wyman, on 2012-September-04, 13:42, said:
Me too. A transfer of responsibility,
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2012-September-04, 14:06
2. Yes. How about xx xx AQxxxx Axx or Kx Jx AJ10xxx Qxx or Ax x QJxxxx Axxx.
3. I'm definitely leaving it in at MPs.
4. No, I like pass. Maybe partner will bid 3NT, or double.
Added: White vs Red is really the key point here. At IMPs frequent scenarios per my guesses are we'll either get 500 vs 400/420, a mild win, or 200 vs -50/-100, a good sized win. At MPs both of these are big wins.
Posted 2012-September-04, 14:31
SimonFa, on 2012-September-04, 13:35, said:
Some questions:
1. Do you leave it in at Teams given the info I have provided?. Too close for me to leave it in.
2. Do you leave it in with a regular partner and if so what sort of hand do you expect opposite for the double? No, maybe Ax xx AJxxxx Qxx
3. Is it different at MPs? Yep down 1 = good score
4. Finally should I have not put myself in that position by bidding 4D instead of passing? I was afraid it would have shown a much stronger hand. I'm raising at first turn, partner will know what to do
As always, thanks in advance,
Posted 2012-September-04, 14:40
Posted 2012-September-04, 15:58
FrancesHinden, on 2012-September-04, 14:40, said:
We agree and I simply don't understand passing the previous round with this hand.
Posted 2012-September-04, 17:29
Should have raised the previous round, if there was no 3♠ bid you would still have had to raise at the four level, so there is no need to pass to show a minimum.
Posted 2012-September-05, 00:27
Perhaps one difference is that I didn't take partners first bid as being as strong as some people assume, partner does like to get in to the bidding:
He's about a Q stronger than I gave him credit for at these colours and I knew he would get another go if he was a bit stronger. If they hadn't bid 3S I would probably have gone back to 3H to give P a shot at 3NT if he had a stopper.
Perhaps we need a long discussion on what we bid in those situations if it is to be forcing.
Posted 2012-September-05, 00:38
Posted 2012-September-05, 02:39
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2012-September-05, 04:18
SimonFa, on 2012-September-05, 00:27, said:
Was that partner's actual hand? I think X is a much better description (or 2NT/3S/some other heart raise, if playing 5cM). Still, on the actual auction, you should maybe raise to 4D at your second turn as others have said (not sure I would though due to concerns about missing 3NT... ugh)
3D is 100% forcing?
Posted 2012-September-05, 07:04
SimonFa, on 2012-September-05, 00:27, said:
Perhaps one difference is that I didn't take partners first bid as being as strong as some people assume, partner does like to get in to the bidding:
He's about a Q stronger than I gave him credit for at these colours and I knew he would get another go if he was a bit stronger. If they hadn't bid 3S I would probably have gone back to 3H to give P a shot at 3NT if he had a stopper.
Perhaps we need a long discussion on what we bid in those situations if it is to be forcing.
Bidding 3D on this hand seems really bad. Either bid 3S in 5cM or dble if partner might have four hearts.