kgr, on Nov 23 2004, 12:48 PM, said:
I wouldn't DBL here.
Not enough
♦ and your
♣ are too strong. If you partner has
♥ he will pass the DBL and with all you points in
♣ it could well be that you don't have a lot of tricks.
I prefer 3
♣ or Pass.
.... but better wait Inquiry's response. He is the expert

Well I don't know about the expert part, but I agree double here is clearly wrong. There is something very fishy here. West, who passed intially now bid 2
♥ (weak jump overcall). The most common reason for this is that they had a side four card major. Given that they are VULNERABLE, this 2
♥ bid will not be made on a five card suit, so the four card spade suit is a reasonable assumption. In fact, I expect WEST to have an excellent six card suit, and since I am looking at the king, it is probably AQT9xx of AQJ9xx. Thus the strong indications are that west likey has four spades. Let's see if we can figure out how many hcp partner will have?
We know they didn't open. West with good distribution will generally have 10 hcp or less, as any 6-4 with 11 will surely open. East in third seat didn't open. But could have as many as bad 11 or so. So their max seems to be 20 hcp, and maybe as few 15. You have 14 hcp yourself, so partner has at least 6 hcp. Your heart king is not typically going to be useful on offense, but might set up the heart jack in partner;s hand (wiht three to the jack), so could be worth a trick on defense).
So if partner has 4
♠, he/she is very weak, lets say 6 to 7 points for no negative double.
You should be farily safe at 3
♣ not vul. Your diamond jack might be useful in partners suit. Your partner mayeven be short in spades given the biddign so far, so yoiu can ruff spades over there. If he has spades, his honors will be behind WEST's (east will be short), so that is good honor placement And your clubs are so good at imps, it is highly unlikely they will double you.
You could consider bidding 3
♣ (or playing good/bad 2NT, I would bid a bad 2NT here). If your partner is stacked in hearts, they will escape to 2
♠ or 3
♦ if you double anyway. The HUGE down side to bidding 3
♣ is that you might push them into a thin game making on a fit. Imagine RHO short in spade, LHO short in clubs, They might win 6
♥, 1
♠, 2
♠ ruff and a diamond. They could have something like...
Where their 15 hcp makes game... 3
♠, 6
♥, 1
♦. And of course they could have much better fit. East might have doubleton spade ACE, and they can be ruffing spades.
So, I am sad I openned, but here I pass.