phil_20686, on 2012-September-02, 04:04, said:
1) its only half as likely that the J holds as that the K holds. You need AQ onside, instead of A. Besides, it would be close to automatic to rise with the ace, and if they have both club honours its more likely they have small cards (one case of AQ, three of AQx and four of AQxx), and can give their partner a ruff.
2) if the club holds, you can afford to make a loser on loser play to prevent a trump promotion on the diamond when you cross back to hand.
Read before you say something please.
1-I never said we should play a club to J. I think it is better than playing to K though.(and i will explain why at the end of this reply) She said "if we play club to J and this holds we still go down because etc etc..." I just said if J holds she can play the hand as the way she suggested (discarding remaining club on diamonds instead of trying to come to hand and playing another club) So when you play a club to K or J and if that holds, one of them is not any better than the other.
And where did you come up with this funny idea that when we play club to J and if that holds AQ must be onside ? A offside may duck this as well, taking the ace can be a mistake in a lot of hands that defense may have hard time to figure. Depending on how the cards dealt it may as well be a mistake on this hand to take offside ace on first round when J is played.
2-Again, read what she wrote, she is not talking about playing 4 rounds of diamonds, she is talking about playing 3 rounds of diamonds and making 3 discards !

She is talking about taking the
♥A, winning the
♣ K in dummy and playing 3 rounds of
♦ and ruffing a club. What you saying is totally different, which requires playing 4th
♦ and discarding another
♥, which in this case defense will get to hold the hand before you do anything else. But i don't think thats what Frances says because she also said "ruff
something with 8 of trumps" So she is talking about "ruff a
♦ or
♣ with trump 8" Thus she did not mean to play 4th
♦ and play loser on loser.
By the way i think her line is pretty good, i like it overall, not as much as i like playing to J though. I was just asking questions about some details she said. What you do not understand is, playing to J is also legit.
When you catch Qx(x) onside and if they take the offside A on first round they can not knock your both minor entries to dummy at the same time, you are pretty much home unless they duck the Ace,( or bad breaks) which then turns into same situation as she suggested. If they duck the
♣J you then discard club on diamonds. Also playing A onside and Q offside requires LHO to duck his Ace, popping up the Ace and playing 2nd
♣ or even a
♦ will basically lock you to dummy. You may still survive of course but you need more friendly splits than the line where
♣Q was on and A offside. In fact you are pretty much down when both spades and clubs are 3-2 if they pop up the ace and play a minor. Assume LHO held Jxx KQxxx xxx Ax (not sure if this is possible from the bidding)
So i think playing to J is better because it needs less to succeed when our long suits behave and it doesn't require opponents to make the wrong decision. But i am not very strong on this.