I've noticed two issues when trying to read the BBO forums on an iPad 3:
a) If using the Chrome app, it "crashes" (minimizes itself and closes the page) when trying to log in to the forums. It doesn't matter whether I instruct it to save my login or not.
b) If using Safari, some hand diagrams constantly resize themselves, shifting the layout of the page repeatedly - specifically hands from the hand editor tool are fine, but embeds from the handviewer tend to do that.
Seeing as the iPad is not jailbroken, I don't think these are unique to me, but I can provide exact links if needed.
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BBF on iPad
Posted 2012-August-26, 17:46
I don't think we have the mobile skin enabled, that might be the problem.
One of these days we'll get around to upgrading to the current version of IP.Board, I'd expect that to help.
One of these days we'll get around to upgrading to the current version of IP.Board, I'd expect that to help.
Posted 2012-August-27, 17:54
Also, (not sure if this is part of Antrax's issues) sometimes on iPhone when people post LIN files you can only see North, South and West's cards, and no auction (cut off on right). Also I can't find a way to see either "my content" or recently added posts. Thanks.
I ♦ Transfers
Posted 2012-September-09, 02:27
I have had more success with the Opera browser on the iPad for websites containing BBO hand diagrams.
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