Freebies! Newcomer Package
Posted 2012-August-15, 08:39
Posted 2012-August-15, 10:15
Expensive (so could only be worked in at exclusive tournaments) are things like coffee cups, but I still use the one I got at CNTC Winnipeg, 5 years ago (well, the writing's rubbed off, but I know where it came from), and I still see two or three others' being carried around.
One nice thing that might be a unique door prize is "tonight, if you'd like, you're playing in the side game with <expert>, and your partner is playing with <other expert>." Maybe it's a winner prize instead. Don't have to be real experts; do have to be good to partners and able to speak to "newcomers".
Posted 2012-August-15, 10:19
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-August-15, 10:51
Posted 2012-August-15, 17:26
very useful and they serve as nice reminder of my first NABC
What I'm really looking for though is some useful stuff to put in newcomer packages.
Posted 2012-August-15, 18:39
Posted 2012-August-15, 18:43
At the Vegas tournaments they give away bottles of cheap wine, I wait until I have 6 and make a big pot of sangria.
I usually don't register at the NABCs, but one time it was raining so I registered and got an umbrella in the package
- billw55
Posted 2012-August-15, 18:55
(no knowledge of this company, and others make same type of rubber jar opener)
* Ideal for seniors
Posted 2012-August-15, 18:59
Quantumcat, on 2012-August-15, 18:39, said:
Yes! At the NABC's you get a gift for simply signing in when you arrive at the playing site, you get a choice of gifts for section tops and all sorts of small freebies for just playing during the week. Unclaimed and surplus section top gifts are given away on the last day.
It's fun to get a section top pen early in the week and intimidate your opponents with it
The most popular freebie seems to be an emblem of the playing location made into fuzzy stickers which people stick to their convention card holders, sometimes so many collected over the years that it is impossible to read the top left hand corner of their CC.
Posted 2012-August-15, 19:17
Posted 2012-August-15, 20:34
I once saw a telescoping fork with the logo of a chinese restaurant that would reach 3 or 4 feet. Ideal for those between session dinners for 12.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2012-August-15, 22:44
One of the best section top awards I recall was the Boston NABC in the 90's, when they gave out telephone calling cards, which you could use for 10 minutes of long distance calling. But these days, most people have calling plans that would make these useless.