Do we know anything about LHOs style? A queen of an opps suit rarely makes the difference in whether to overcall or not, but this might be a case where one would overcall with AJ9xx Qxx white/white at MP, but not with AJ9xx xx.
On the other hand LHO might have AJ32. Damn attitude leads.
LHO thinks for quite a long time and plays a highish club.
I'm just always hooking the diamond here, but the tank freaks me out.
It is impossible to me after spade spade and we pitch a club that someone doesn't cash their spade with xx of diamonds. All we need is running diamonds and the HAK to have the rest of the tricks, which is fairly likely when we pitch a club at trick 2.
That said, I would think that most people would not tank that long before playing a club when they held Qxx of diamonds. Maybe our LHO is a good player and realizes that we might hook the diamond with the 9 in dummy (especially if we have Tx, since it becomes restricted choice). Maybe he also realized if he cashed the spade and played a club we would have no chance of getting diamonds right, and he'd still beat us if his partner had the CK. Maybe he then decided that the field would not cash, and that declarers would not hook. I dunno, guess he had a lot to think about so his tank isn't unreasonable.
I am still going with "not cashing the spade is a completely impossible play looking at xx of diamonds."