my name is Julie and I'm the last heir of Pierre Albarran. I'm looking for information about his life. The best for me would be to have a biography. I'm especially looking for information concerning his youth. I want to know when and where he played his first tournaments, with whom, the results.. in the 20s.
I couldn't find anything on the net.
It would be great if you could help me.
Thank you
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Do you know Albarran
Posted 2004-November-23, 10:22
Hello Julie
Pierre Albarran was born in 1894 and died in 1960. Most of his
contemporaries are not alive today, obviously, but people
who knew him are alive and well and I could suggest to
try Jean Paul Meyer, the French expert and journalist.
He is a member of BBO and his nickname is "lebridgeur"
if I remember correctly (if this is protected personal data,
the moderators may hide it). During big Vugraph shows,
J-P may be seen among the spectators or commentators,
although not so often.
Some books of Albarran are still available, perhaps
second-hand, eg here:
A short biography of Albarran in Italian is here:
Leon Tintner, now at his 90s, is still active in bridge -if you get in
touch he will probably enlighten you.
In France, the name of Albarran is still very much heard in clubs.
"We are playing 2C Albarran" players announce, meaning game
force with ace responses.
Members of the Albarran team in the 30s, besides Baron de Nexon
and Rousset were two young Greeks, Touloumaris and
Sophocles Venizelos who later was to become Prime Minister
of Greece.
Here is a Chinese page with a hand played by Albarran
Unfortunately the narrative is in Chinese, so I cannot
check the accuracy of the facts
Hope this may help
Pierre Albarran was born in 1894 and died in 1960. Most of his
contemporaries are not alive today, obviously, but people
who knew him are alive and well and I could suggest to
try Jean Paul Meyer, the French expert and journalist.
He is a member of BBO and his nickname is "lebridgeur"
if I remember correctly (if this is protected personal data,
the moderators may hide it). During big Vugraph shows,
J-P may be seen among the spectators or commentators,
although not so often.
Some books of Albarran are still available, perhaps
second-hand, eg here:
A short biography of Albarran in Italian is here:
Leon Tintner, now at his 90s, is still active in bridge -if you get in
touch he will probably enlighten you.
In France, the name of Albarran is still very much heard in clubs.
"We are playing 2C Albarran" players announce, meaning game
force with ace responses.
Members of the Albarran team in the 30s, besides Baron de Nexon
and Rousset were two young Greeks, Touloumaris and
Sophocles Venizelos who later was to become Prime Minister
of Greece.
Here is a Chinese page with a hand played by Albarran
Unfortunately the narrative is in Chinese, so I cannot
check the accuracy of the facts

Hope this may help
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