1♦ was 11-15, natural or a balanced range
On lead, Sasioc asked for an explanation of the auction. We were told that 2♣ was Checkback, and that opener had 4♠3♥. She asked if he had promised real diamonds, and was told that he had not.
She led face-down, and I enquired further - would 2♦ over 2♣ have denied three hearts? We were now told that any hand with Hxxx diamond would have bid 2♦ instead of 2♥!
Thankfully, she had led a diamond and the contract was cold anyway, so there was no need for a ruling. However, it got me wondering -
a) Do you consider the initial explanation to constitute MI?
b) If the issue came to light with her card still face-down, presumably it can be changed. If she changes it is this AI to me and UI to declarer?
c) I believe it can still be changed once the lead is face-up, if dummy has not gone down. Again, is her initial lead AI to me?
d) Are there any issues with regard to improper communication between us - say she changed her lead to a diamond and found my strong suit?
e)If the issue comes to light after dummy has been put down, presumably it's too late to change the lead. I believe that everyone is now responsible for calling the director, so presumably the opening leader should do so even though some might consider this to transmit information to declarer/partner?
f) As partner of the opening leader, is it improper to deliberately delay further questioning until the dummy has been put down as an attempt at a double-shot? Not that I'm considering doing so
