I had arranged with a partner to play a certain Freebee Tourney.at an arranged time.
So being 30 mins early before the off.I registered my name awaiting for my pard
to appear, To my surprise withi 5 mins i had 4/5 proposals,which i declined,
by clicking NO, my pard did not appear until 5 mis to the off.and i recieved
approx 15/20 offers..... so continued with the NO's
My suggestion is when the box comes up apart from YES/NO could there be
a Tick box.or two tick boxes "Arranged Booking"....TICK
"Another time please". TICK
Then one can tick whatever, then click No--- obviously if you accept
boxe's remained unticked... How Civil and Polite can one get....???
Come on BBO lets raise the Standard. any seconders?
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I was Flattered. an addition/improvement.
Posted 2012-July-18, 11:08
This seems very unnecessary, if you've arranged a tourney with someone, don't register your name and just wait for partner to log on.
Wayne Somerville
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