Posted 2012-July-15, 01:28
If I have a problem with this auction, it's because your partner is asking the questions and you are answering even though you have the big hand. Where you have a big hand that raises slam as a possibility, partner needs to be telling what he/she holds rather than vice versa. This is because most of the time you can not describe the big hand well enough for the lesser hand to make an intelligent decision about the slam. OTOH, the weaker hand can usually give the stronger hand enough information for the big hand to make an informed decision. But more importantly, the big hand usually knows the exact key information to be sought and can captain in a direction to get that information.
After you show extras, responder needs to have some sort of mechanism to limit his/her hand. This needs to be done as cheaply as possible because the hand with "extras" may have enough to even want to explore for slam opposite an invitational hand. In this regard, you need to differentiate between invitational raises, game force raises, and slam positive raises. (By slam positive, I mean a raise with "extras" or possibly a game force raise rich in controls.)
If your agreement is that partner's 3 ♠ [relay?] asks about shortness, then I think your partner should not ask about shortness. Partner cannot see or know from his/her hand if slam exists no matter what you answer. Instead, partner should either simply bid 4 ♠ or show his/her cheapest control on the way to 4 ♠. In this case, the control bid would be 4 ♥ denying controls in ♣s or ♦s. (This is in line with my 1st paragraph comments -- partner should be thinking "I can't tell if slam is there from my hand, so I should look to tell what might be useful to partner in deciding if slam exists.")
By bidding the cheapest control, partner gives you additional information by denying a club control. You are now looking at potentially 1 1/2 losers in ♣, 2 potential losers in ♥s, and a possible loser in ♠s. Slam might still be possible if partner has both missing As, the ♥ K and a favorable ♣ holding. But that's a pretty tall order, so just bidding 4 ♠ looks right at this point.
More comments later.