I was playing random vugraph deals (a brilliant innovation)when this deal came up. I and one pair quietly settled in 6♥and was surprised to lose 7IMPs. At the other table....
R V R, Swiss Teams, West deals
♠ AKT8
♥ Q63
♦ AQJ96
♣ K
♠ 3
♥ AKJT72
♦ K875
♣ 76
(P) 1D (3C) 3H
(P) 4C (P) 4D
(P) 4S (P) 4N
(P) 5S (P) 5N
(P) 7N (X) AP
No explanations of the bidding. Was the X Lightner or did West reason that N wouldn't bid 7N without the A♣?
And if that latter was 7N a brilliant bid or just a wild gamble?
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Bad double or great 7NT bid?
Posted 2012-July-14, 02:03
I don't think bidding 7NT without an ace can be qualified as brilliant. The auction was reasonable until 5NT, which typically promises all keycards.
Posted 2012-July-14, 04:13
The double wasn't too clever either. I would assume it to be Lightner, now virtually guaranteeing you won't get the ♣ lead you want. Throwing away 24 IMPs and quite probably the match, for a potential gain of ... er 0 IMPs (1530 == 1740). Ok the King drops and the ♣ run but doubler can't know this.
A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem Albert Einstein
Posted 2012-July-14, 12:59
- Ugly 4♣ bid - but not an error per se. Easts pass over 4♣ implies no Ace in some partnerships...
- "Bad" 5NT bid affirms the ♣A illusion, and is technically an error.
- Pushy 7NT bid, given the bidding - counting tricks (as opposed to HCP) it's not obvious 14 tricks are there...(see below)...
- Egregious Double.Once you bid a suit, partner is expected to lead it against any Grand Slam unless they'r void. The double says to cancel the earlier message about ♣ and find a different lead - usually Dummy's first bid suit. (This is NT. If it were a suit contract the double would ask for an unusual lead not trumps and not clubs because you have an undisclosed void and the ability to trump).
If West held the ♣Ace and did not lead it, shame. If East held the ♣Ace and did not double 4♣, shame.
The Grand Slam bonus in teams is such a poor odds proposition you really have to be sure you can count 14 tricks before you bid one. The extenuating circumstance is when you need bunches of IMPS and need them NOW.
Be the partner you want to play with.
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2012-July-14, 16:45
SteveMoe, on 2012-July-14, 12:59, said:
"Bad" 5NT bid affirms the ♣A illusion, and is technically an error.
sorry for quiting only part of message--but i believe this is the issue.
7n bidder could easily have heart support a min and a singleton club yet
their p has taken over the bidding and we have a really superb 16 count
(plus the club k which looked useless until p "PROMISED" all of the key
cards with 5n bid). Once p bids 5n my 19 strong should be more than
enough to chime in with 7n which should be solid unless p is in the odd
habit of showing a control with shortness in one of your suits (4d)
Posted 2012-July-14, 19:27
gszes, on 2012-July-14, 16:45, said:
...Once p bids 5n my 19 strong should be more than
enough to chime in with 7n which should be solid unless p is in the odd
habit of showing a control with shortness in one of your suits (4d)
enough to chime in with 7n which should be solid unless p is in the odd
habit of showing a control with shortness in one of your suits (4d)
I agree that 5N is the worst call for NS, and I agree that 2♠+5♥+5♦ + 2♣ = 14. However I dampen the negative judgment somewhat because it continued an unintended ruse that West fell for given East's error.
The single worst call on this hand is the double. Otherwise this hand can't make.
Be the partner you want to play with.
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
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