Posted 2012-July-12, 05:22
I certainly benefitted from BBOSkill, recommend it to others and would appreciate it working again
Posted 2012-July-12, 07:37
Jay Silver, on 2012-July-12, 05:22, said:
I certainly benefitted from BBOSkill, recommend it to others and would appreciate it working again
The only feature missing from the BBO system is a "reasonable" method of rating the skill of players. OKBridge has the "Lehman Ratings", and though imperfect, it helps to estimate comparative skills. BBOSkill is trying to fill this void and BBO should either support it or provide an alternative.
Posted 2012-July-12, 10:42
Posted 2012-July-12, 12:53
Posted 2012-July-12, 13:29
Posted 2012-July-12, 13:35
Posted 2012-July-12, 13:41
Posted 2012-July-12, 13:48
ipo123, on 2012-July-12, 10:42, said:
Because you forgot last month's score a day later?

I guess that saves paper.
Posted 2012-July-12, 14:10
Posted 2012-July-12, 14:47
Posted 2012-July-12, 15:39
Posted 2012-July-12, 15:41
JLOGIC, on 2012-July-12, 12:51, said:
If by shill you mean am I blatantly advertising and advocating for a site for which I have no affiliation whatsoever, but really enjoyed the free service they were providing, I'm guilty as charged.
(Frankly, I couldn't care less if online ratings are provided by bbo, bboskill, ACBL, ELO, FIDE, or Charles Goren's granddaughter. I'd just like to be able to find them *somewhere*.)
Posted 2012-July-12, 15:57
Posted 2012-July-12, 16:04
In my opinion it is a big bonus to BBO users.
It is interesting to see one's own record, of course.
Also it debunks players who pretend to be better or worse than they are, and gives a valuable independent way of finding the playing strengths of players - let's face it in bridge clubs and tournaments we soon know this, but online at BBO players can - and do - call themselves world class who would barely get 50% at a local duplicate. Or intermediate when they are rather strong. Both happen a lot on BBO asnd it is a weakness on the site.
For this reason I think bboskill helps elevate the status of bbo, which as we all know is already a very fine bridge site.
The EBU (English Bridge Union) has introduced it's NGS (National Grading Scheme) and this is having a similarly good effect on bridge in England.
Thanks for reading!
Peter Hall
Posted 2012-July-12, 16:12
bboskill proved its usefullness and fills a gap as BBO itself doesn't give players rightly earned levels, which is a pity.
Posted 2012-July-12, 16:19
It's just LOL that bboskill thinks they're providing some service to BBO. They are offering nothing BBO couldn't do themselves. It's consistently been the position over the years that this was something BBO just wasn't going to do.