the hog, on 2013-July-20, 03:12, said:
Secondly 2NT with the minors is also not a good idea as you allow the opps 3C/3D to show various hand types. Again, best is to open 3C with minors and reserve 2NT for something else. (C pre emt only gives the opps 1 option_
Agree with most of this post. The only thing I'm not so sure about is which of the 2NT vs 3♣ combinations is best. I've played both, and there isn't much difference overall in my experience.
- The transfer preempt has a lot of issues (wrongsiding NT contracts, loss of tempo, extra step for opps, opps can easily penalize,...) while 3♣ as both minors is definitely better (NF preempt, only 1 cuebid available).
- The natural 3♣ preempt puts pressure and allows more flexibility, but the 2NT opening as both minors is as good as forcing, gives opps extra space and penalty opportunities,...
Basically you should have two 3♣ openings and no 2NT opening for optimal result.

A better alternative imo is to play 2NT as ♥+m: only 1 suit is known, the only cuebid available is higher, with this hand you can't outbid opps' ♠ suit,...