I supose many people know the hand so didn't answer.
The only line that makes with
♣4-2 I think its when LHO has exactly 5-2-2-4 with
♥Q5 or
IT is also possible to make the contract if LHO has
♥Qxx if he is sleepy, a crossrufff nets 4 spade ruffs in hand but to acomplish that a club must be ruffed in hand with the ace to avoid the overruff, then if LHO fails to underruff on that trick, he later becomes endplayed to play into KJ
I really though from the bidding LHO had
♥Q t made more sense on the bidding and lead, but you can't be ever sure.
What I did was ruff a club in hand with
♥4 (3-3 break in clubs) and a spade in dummy looking to find
♠2 wich might tell me if spades are 6-3 or 5-4
LHO played
♠7 and RHO
♠J, so nothing is known yet, I still didn't discard the endplay line when I came to hand with
♦K and ruffed another spade. This time Fredin decided to play
♠2 finally and
♠K fell on my right. Now spades seemed like 6-3 totally, and I had this position
Now it really looked like LHO was 6223, so there is a nice play that covers
♥Q lieing on whatever hand, just play
♥AK and if
♥Q doesn't fall play last trump for East to win. He has nothing but diamonds left, so dummy takes the last 3 tricks.
Comparing this with gnasher's line with covers trumps 1-4 on all spade lie outs maybe I missplayed but its close.