jetkro, on Nov 15 2004, 05:24 PM, said:
3H was a 4 card limit raise.
This a very poor result for NS as 5h was cold.
After having bid 4C in an attempt to enlist partner's help later on in the auction, I passed the double, having felt that I had shown my hand, whereas my gut feeling was
to bid 5H.
If I had faced the situation which occurred at many other tables, where east had bid
4S directly, then I am sure I would have bid 5H myself.
Anyone care to apportion the blame?
First, it is rare to find people who understand "captaincy" auctions. But we all know that when one hand has limited itself via biddign NT or raising, the other hand is the captain. So the second problem is people think, once a captain has been appointed, then the captain makes all the rules. We know this is not true, becasuse of auctions like...
1N-2C-2H-3H... where 3H is invite despite the fact that 1NT was very limited. The captain (responder) is inviting opener to go on with a max 1NT. So when you make a limited raise of partner, partner can invite your further participation with a bid like 4
♣ here on this hand.
So when you bid 4
♣, you were preparing for your opponents to bid 4
♠ over 4
♥. Now your partner probably should bid 4
♦ over 4
♣ since you could have been thinking grander things, but ok.. he bids 4
♥, and all pass to WEST who bids 4
♠. What should your partner do? Aces are good for offense or defense. His three little clubs are not good for either, his four hearts to the JACK=Ten are only good for offense. His hand is neither offensive (bid 5
♥) nor defensive (double) oriented. Give him another spade, double comes to mind. Give him teh club queen, bid on comes to mind. He simply doesn't have a hand that suggest defend or bid. He should pass the buck by making a forcig pass. With your hand, y ou will know what to do. If partner had slow tricks (KQ of diamonds), he would have doubled. If partner had huge fitting club cards (AQ of clubs), he would bid on. Pass shows uncertainty , which is what he has.
Your partner I think bears the blunt of the blame. He heard you bid 4
♣, if he doubles, he is showing a hand more suited for defense than offense. Which he doesn't have. But this means your partner has to understand this type of bidding. Buy him a copy of Robson/Segal Partnership bidding at bridge (good news, online version is free), and let him read it.
1H - P - 3H - 3S
4C - P - 4H - P
P - 4S - DBL - P
P - P