1. Saturday night Brian and I are playing against LOL and LOM. The auction proceeds (all NV):
LOM: 1♥
Me: pass
LOL: 4♥
Brian 5♦ (on his usual crap)
Now LOM goes into a protracted tank and passes and naturally the lady autos 5♥'s.
I double on ♠J9xx ♥A9xx ♦xx ♣Kxx. He misplays and we get 300 for a top.
Since its the last board of the round, we both get up and get something to drink. The LOL takes the LOM's hand out of the board to look at it.
As we are walking away I told Brian, "She wanted to see if he really had the values for his slow pass".
2. Last night. We are leading by 3 VPs and playing the last round of the Monday night swiss. I'm playing with Harvey and Brian and Mike are our teammates at the other table.
We have an OK set. One hand of mild interest was:
East: ♠KQxxx ♥x ♦AKQxx ♣Kx
West: ♠AJxx ♥KTxxx ♦xxx ♣x.
At our table, we have a vanilla limit raise auction and stop in 5♠, making.
This was the last board of the match at the other table, and the bidding was more, um, animated.
1♠ - 2♥*
3♦ - 4♠**
* - 2/1 GF (WOW)
** - "Fast Arrival"
The strong 5-5 hand RKC's. Should be able to avoid this iceberg, right?
4N - 5♦***
*** - They are playing 1430. So he LIES about the number of aces he holds (because he has grossly misbid his hand already). She should bid 7, thinking he has all three of the aces, but she fields something is wrong and only bids 6. My teammate (also aware of the hitch) doubles out of spite and collects 200.
The 2♥ / 4♠ / 5♦ bidder is a very rotund individual starts going CRAZY and says,
She storms out of the room and leaves.
My teammate couldn't help himself
"She may not understand fast arrival, but she knows what fast departure means"