These hands look troublesome to me; I'd appreciate any advice from K-S experts:
♠ 7
♥ A K 5 2
♦ A Q 8 2
♣ 10 5 4 2
♠ 9 8 6 5
♥ Q J
♦ J 10 6
♣ A K J 8
The first round's easy:
1♦ - 1♠
Then what?
Opener's 2♣ rebid is forcing (strong, like a reverse) and promises a rebid, which seems a bit extravagent; is 2♦ the systemic rebid? If opener rebids 2♦, does responder bid 3♣, 2NT, something else?
Thanks in advance.
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Kaplan-Sheinwold question
Posted 2012-May-28, 14:04
"If you're driving [the Honda S2000] with the top up, the storm outside had better have a name."
Simplify the complicated side; don't complify the simplicated side.
"If you're driving [the Honda S2000] with the top up, the storm outside had better have a name."
Simplify the complicated side; don't complify the simplicated side.
Posted 2012-May-28, 14:21
from Kaplan-Sheinwold Updated...
"1N opening has been known on specifically 1-4-4-4 pattern, with spade honor, because of rebidding problems, but 1H is usually preferable if hearts are decent."
I suppose you would open that 1H. Not sure what you would do with x Jxxx Axxx AKQx
"1N opening has been known on specifically 1-4-4-4 pattern, with spade honor, because of rebidding problems, but 1H is usually preferable if hearts are decent."
I suppose you would open that 1H. Not sure what you would do with x Jxxx Axxx AKQx
Posted 2012-May-28, 15:35
Thanks. On reflection, that sounds like the best solution for the given hand.
Now I just have to convince my partner, who dislikes any of the 4-card major possibilities in K-S.
As for your example hand, all I can say is that you're mean.
Probably 1♣, then 2♣.
Now I just have to convince my partner, who dislikes any of the 4-card major possibilities in K-S.
As for your example hand, all I can say is that you're mean.

"If you're driving [the Honda S2000] with the top up, the storm outside had better have a name."
Simplify the complicated side; don't complify the simplicated side.
"If you're driving [the Honda S2000] with the top up, the storm outside had better have a name."
Simplify the complicated side; don't complify the simplicated side.
Posted 2012-May-29, 08:08
WNT structures benefit from some form of mini-Roman. You are worried about 1-4-4-4 and 4-4-4-1. I plya this way with my K-Sish partners:
Only with stiff in black suit; AK & A = 12.
P,2H = to play
2S = to play with 6+; O may raise with stiff C and max
2N = starts all inv or potentially strong sequences, asks stiff and strength by steps: 3C = C, 12-13; 3D = S, 12-13; 3H = C, 13-14; 3S = S, 13-14.
Now: Any 3-level call is to play; R's 4C or 4D is to play
Games are to play, even 4S or 5C.
4N = RKCB for non-stiff black suit (i.e., after 3C or 3H, for S; after 3D or 3S, for C). (NOTE: This works also if you hold a solid or one or ½ loser 6+ suit in the stiff.).
3C = to play with 6+; O may raise with stiff S and max
3D = to play, either preemptive or to make
3H = to play, either preemptive or to make
3S = RKCB for H
3N = to-play
4C = RKCB for D
4,5D = to play, either preemptive or to make
4H = to play, either preemptive or to make
In ACBL, all non-forcing responses after the 2D opener are alertable.
Only with stiff in black suit; AK & A = 12.
P,2H = to play
2S = to play with 6+; O may raise with stiff C and max
2N = starts all inv or potentially strong sequences, asks stiff and strength by steps: 3C = C, 12-13; 3D = S, 12-13; 3H = C, 13-14; 3S = S, 13-14.
Now: Any 3-level call is to play; R's 4C or 4D is to play
Games are to play, even 4S or 5C.
4N = RKCB for non-stiff black suit (i.e., after 3C or 3H, for S; after 3D or 3S, for C). (NOTE: This works also if you hold a solid or one or ½ loser 6+ suit in the stiff.).
3C = to play with 6+; O may raise with stiff S and max
3D = to play, either preemptive or to make
3H = to play, either preemptive or to make
3S = RKCB for H
3N = to-play
4C = RKCB for D
4,5D = to play, either preemptive or to make
4H = to play, either preemptive or to make
In ACBL, all non-forcing responses after the 2D opener are alertable.
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