Flame, on Nov 14 2004, 10:59 AM, said:
inquiry, on Nov 14 2004, 09:37 AM, said:
Ending one, low to the JACK (if east plays low)
Ending two, cash heart ACE.
Can you give aproximate chances ?
Number 1 for the finnesing to work you need Qx or Q or Qxx onside.
While not finnesing you need Qx or Q or xxx or xxxx onside.
We can take out Q and Qx which are on both group ending up with
Qxx opposite xxx and xxxx.
What are the chances of it ?
Let's deal with problem two first. In problem 2, the correct respons is to cash AKQ is just more than 54%, working with any 3-3, and any Jx doubleton or Jack singleton. The hook is roughly 50% (well, significantly less, since nothing working with 6-0 or 51 to the jack even if one side - so the finessee is ~43% chance).
Cashing AKQ, if suit is 3-3 (35.5%), or doubleton Jx (16.5%), or singleton J (2.4%). which comes to 54.1%.
Problem one is quite different. Missing five cards to the queen,the odds favor the fineesee. Like with problem 2, the hook will not win even if the queen is onside too too much legnth (four or five), so the odds of hook winning is 36.7%.
So how does cashing AK work? Well, singlton Queen either hand, or doubleton Queen either hand. But since the suit with five cards can't split evenly (like 3-3 in example 2), the odds are that the queen will be in the long suit. Odds of cashing AK works when queen is slngleton (5.7%) or doubleton queen (27.1%), total only (32.8%).