Transfer or Stayman? Then what
Posted 2012-May-13, 03:00
I chose transfer and passed and it turned out well, but in hindsight maybe Stayman and then Spades if partner bides 2D?
Thanks in advance,
Posted 2012-May-13, 03:05
some people play stayman followed by 2♠ as natural and invitational which would also be a good description of your hand.
Posted 2012-May-13, 04:35
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-May-13, 04:54
London UK
Posted 2012-May-13, 06:28
wank, on 2012-May-13, 03:05, said:
It seems a bit short of invitational, especially opposite a chronic upgrader; but if it is considered strong enough to invite and if 2M is invitational after Stayman, we would Stayman, followed by 2H if opener bids 2D as a mini-Smolen.
Posted 2012-May-13, 09:10
If the hand does not qualify as invitational for your NT range then you either transfer, passing unless partner super-accepts, or Stayman and bid 2♥, if this shows a weak hand with both majors.
It is noteworthy that hands with the distributional strength for 4M opposite a fit, but not for 3NT opposite a max, are a common source of difficulties over a 1NT opening. It would not surprise me if NT structures increasingly evolved to find methods to accomodate such hands more comfortably in the future.
Posted 2012-May-13, 12:19
If I had a similar hand with enough strength to invite game, with some partners I would bid Stayman then transfer to ♠ with 3♥ over a 2♦ response. Partner can now complete the transfer to decline the invite, or cue, bid 3NT or 4♠ to accept.
Posted 2012-May-14, 02:09
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-May-14, 16:05
han, on 2012-May-14, 02:09, said:
That doesn't make much sense to me. Swap the majors round so you now hold ♠A10xx ♥K10xxx ♦xxx ♣x and suppose that partner opens a 15-17 NT. You can envisage a possible game opposite a 4-card msjor so you'd like to start with Stayman. However, what do you do over a 2♦ response? Playing normal methods, this hand bids 1NT-2♣-2♦-2♥.
Posted 2012-May-14, 18:37

As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2012-May-14, 22:24
I believe that with ♠ A10xx ♥ K10xxx ♦ xxx ♣ x, those playing Soft Stayman transfer to ♥ and then bid 2 ♠ --- 1 NT - 2 ♦ - 2 ♥ - 2 ♠. This would show invitational values, 5 ♥s, and at least 4 ♠s. Since responder might have more than 4 ♠s, opener can still support with 3 ♠s and a max by bidding 3 ♠. Responder can then correct to 3 NT when holding just 4 ♠s or bid 4 ♠ with 5 or more ♠s. When opener holds 4 ♠s and a max, opener simply bids 4 ♠.
Transferring the other way -- 1 NT - 2 ♥ - 2 ♠ - 3 ♥ shows a 5-5 game forcing major hand.
Posted 2012-May-16, 21:58
1NT - 2♣
pass any major response
bid 2♥ over 2♦
In my system, 1NT - 2♣ - 2♦ - 2♠ would be invitational.
I like to play
1NT - 2♥ - 2♠ - 3♥ as 5-5 invitational (pass or correct to 3♠)
and 1NT - 2♥ - 2♠ - 4♥ as 5-5 game-forcing (pass or correct to 4♠)
since the NT opener cannot have 2 doubletons, an 8-card fit is guaranteed in this case.
jallerton, on 2012-May-14, 16:05, said:
I would transfer to ♥ than bid ♠ to show 5-4 in ♥-♠