jtfanclub, on Nov 5 2004, 01:56 AM, said:
Partner's 3d isnt a control showing cue bid, 3d and then 4sp showed you he had more then just a 4sp bid or else he would have just bid 4sp imidietly, bididng cue and only later 4sp showing you he is thinking of more then 4sp.
That's what makes it a courtesy slam try...in a normal slam try, partner asks you for information so he can place the contract. This time, he's going to describe his hand to you so you can place the contract.
No you shouldnt have bid 4c on 3d, your partner's 3d isnt showing a long spade suit, just showing strong hand for now, you should have bid 3sp since you already showed you dont have 4 card support now ur 3sp would show 3 card suit.
Flame's smarter than me, but I still disagree. 4 clubs says you have a club stop AND spades. By going past 3NT, you've agreed that you don't want to play in NT. Therefore you have spades. If you had club stops but two or fewer spades, 3NT would be the obvious bid.
4D after you have agreed on spade is now a cue bid showing a control in diamond and luck of control in club, 4sp show you dont have a control in heart, how partner lucking a control in his hand easily pass 4sp.
I would play a 4D after we agree on spades to show a control in diamonds, a lack of control in clubs,
and a control in hearts. 4 clubs would show clubs but not hearts, 4 spades would show a lack in both clubs and hearts. The real point is, it's dangerous for your partner to assume you'll read 4 diamonds correctly.
Didnt understand your first point, partner bid 3d this is a general bid showing a good hand especially if you're playing with a pickup partner dont assume anything just bid what you have stay flexiable.
Second point, maybe im an old-fashion bridge player but for me showign stops almost always happend below 3nt, with the intention to play 3nt when we have all suits stoped and go for a suit game when we dont, i dont play 4c to show a stop when we are already above 3nt. again dont expect a pickup partner to ever think 4c is stoper showing.
Third point - i mention a normal italian cue bid style, maybe ur style is supirior but its only better when your partner know what you're doing, and again if you want partner to know what you do you better play standard systems even if you think you have better onse. I dont undersand the logic behind your system, how will you bid when you have diamonds but not clubs or heart control ?
Maybe you suggest all this because you believe partner's 3sp show lack of heart control, if this was true then 4d was showing heart +diamond but not club, but here a 3h wouldnt be a cue bid, 3sp didnt show lack of heart control, it was just a simple bridge to show 3 card support.