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could I have played this differently?

#1 User is offline   jillybean 

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Posted 2004-November-09, 09:34

Here's a hand I played the other day...some made, I didn't.
Could I have played it differently. At trick 8, I was lost for what to do.
How do you play when LHO holds Ace, Queen trump?


Scoring: IMP

West North East South

 -     -     Pass  4
 Dbl   Pass  Pass  Pass

C2 CT H3 C4
D7 D8 DT D3
C5 C8 H6 C6
S5 SA S3 S7
D5 SJ D6 D9
S8 H7 S2 S4
C9 D2 C3 H4
H9 HA S9 D4

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#2 User is offline   inquiry 

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Posted 2004-November-09, 09:54

Don't worry about the fact it was made at other tables. 4 really has no play, and should lose 2, 1, and 1 for for down one. The defense can go wacky, and start spade AK for instace, and it still doesn't help, as long as they shift to a club when they win either one of their hearts. They have to make at least two bad plays to give you a chance to make. Like set up the spade queen, and then lead away from the diamond JACK. Or, setup the diamond queen, and then win two hearts and exit a heart, and west get squeezed down (psuedo) to sitff diamond jack, you cross to dummy in clubs and lead the DIAMOND queen, pinning the jack.

I will comment on your line of play, however. There is little to no need to ruff clubs twice. You need one of your entries to dummy to play a heart from dummy, where you have to guess what heart honor EAST holds (here he holds none). If it is the queen, you will will hook (hope for Qx), if it is the ACE, you will bplay the king (hope for Ax). Only by leading a heart from dummy can you hope to make this hand. IF you get lucky in hearts and lose only 1H trick, you will win 7H, 2D, 1C for 10 tricks. Going to dummy withe club ACE, and ruffing a club, and crossing to the diamond Ten and ruffing a club, ASSURES that you will go down, no matter how this suit splits. Consider the possible heart splits....

AQTx---->void = you lose 3 heart tricks
AQT----->x = you lose 3 heart tricks
AQ------>Tx =you lose 2 heart tricks
AT------>Qx = play heart and hook queen, you lose 1 heart trick and make
Ax------>QT = play heart and hook queen, you lose 1 heart trick and make
QTx---->A = you lose 2 heart tricks
QT----->Ax = play heart and jump up with king, you lose 1 heart trick and make
Qx----->AT =play heart and jump up with king, you lose 1 heart trick and make
Tx----->AQ = play a heart from dummy, and you make, no guess work
x------>AQT = you will lose 2H tricks if you play heart from dummy, 3 if from hand
T------>AQx = you will likely lose only 2H tricks,
Q------>ATx = you may lose three heart tricks if you play low to jack
A------>QTx = you will lose 2 H tricks, 3 if you play heart King early
void---->AQTX = you will lsoe 3 H tricks

So as you can see, the only hope is heart from dummy and if necessary, lucky guess.

#3 User is offline   pclayton 

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Posted 2004-November-09, 10:07

inquiry, on Nov 9 2004, 07:54 AM, said:

Don't worry about the fact it was made at other tables. 4 really has no play, and should lose 2, 1, and 1 for for down one. The defense can go wacky, and start spade AK for instace, and it still doesn't help, as long as they shift to a club when they win either one of their hearts. They have to make at least two bad plays to give you a chance to make. Like set up the spade queen, and then lead away from the diamond JACK. Or, setup the diamond queen, and then win two hearts and exit a heart, and west get squeezed down (psuedo) to sitff diamond jack, you cross to dummy in clubs and lead the DIAMOND queen, pinning the jack.

I will comment on your line of play, however. There is little to no need to ruff clubs twice. You need one of your entries to dummy to play a heart from dummy, where you have to guess what heart  honor EAST holds (here he holds none). If it is the queen, you will will hook (hope for Qx), if it is the ACE, you will bplay the king (hope for Ax). Only by leading a heart from dummy can you hope to make this hand. IF you get lucky in hearts and lose only 1H trick, you will win 7H, 2D, 1C for 10 tricks. Going to dummy withe club ACE, and ruffing a club, and crossing to the diamond Ten and ruffing a club, ASSURES that you will go down, no matter how this suit splits. Consider the possible heart splits....

AQTx---->void = you lose 3 heart tricks
AQT----->x = you lose 3 heart tricks
AQ------>Tx =you lose 2 heart tricks
AT------>Qx = play heart and hook queen, you lose 1 heart trick and make
Ax------>QT = play heart and hook queen, you lose 1 heart trick and make
QTx---->A = you lose 2 heart tricks
QT----->Ax = play heart and jump up with king, you lose 1 heart trick and make
Qx----->AT =play heart and jump up with king, you lose 1 heart trick and make
Tx----->AQ = play a heart from dummy, and you make, no guess work
x------>AQT = you will lose 2H tricks if you play heart from dummy, 3 if from hand
T------>AQx = you will likely lose only 2H tricks,
Q------>ATx = you may lose three heart tricks if you play low to jack
A------>QTx = you will lose 2 H tricks, 3 if you play heart King early
void---->AQTX = you will lsoe 3 H tricks

So as you can see, the only hope is heart from dummy and if necessary, lucky guess.

Ditto Ben.

Similar to another thread, the double of 4 should be takeout. You'd feel bad if you caught honor-doubleton of hearts on your right but dummy's entries were used to ruff clubs.

Unusual to catch AQx of hearts on your left here, and RHO made a strange pass with a 3145 shape (maybe the double of 4 was penalty?). Swap the K and J of diamonds and 5 is possible.

Jilly - don't lose a lot of sleep over this one.
"Phil" on BBO

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