How to get to a grand slam How would you bid and why?
Posted 2012-April-23, 13:39
W has ♠ A K 7 ♥ A K J 9 ♦ A K 8 ♣ Q 9 5 2
E has ♠ Q 5 ♥ Q 6 4 3 ♦ 9 5 ♣ A K 10 7 4
Please explain any artificial bids used. Thanks
Posted 2012-April-23, 13:48
3h=4s(rkc in h)
4nt(4)=6c(kC, grand try, deny other kings)
7c=now 7h or 7nt.
if east opens then:
5c(1)=5d(q ask)
6c(kc, Qh, deny other kings)=7h or 7nt pard did open the bidding.
Posted 2012-April-23, 14:19
After 3♣ it will be difficult to get to hearts but it will be fairly easy to get to a grand.
Posted 2012-April-23, 14:24
tenbrvc, on 2012-April-23, 13:39, said:
Please explain any artificial bids used. Thanks
This is in a forum called 'natural bidding discussion'
The strong hand has 14 cards.
If the strong hand opens, then (using a couple of artificial bids)
2C (artificial, game forcing) -
3C (natural positive) -
5NT (grand slam force)
7C (2 of the top 3)
Posted 2012-April-23, 17:10
This hand actually came from a beginning bridge player, and she wanted to know how to bid the hand.
You,re right, ArtK78. The strong hand does have 14 cards. The correct West hand is
♠ A K 7 ♥ A K J 9 ♦ A K 8 ♣ Q 9 5
East has ♠ Q 5 ♥ Q 6 4 3 ♦ 9 5 ♣ A K 10 7 4
How would you bid to a grand slam if either East or West opens?
1. I understand the 2C-3C part by ArtK78, but you didn't say how the bidding should continue to get to a grand slam.
2. Question for FrancesHinden. I would think holding ♣ A K 10 7 4 alone without the side queens would be sufficient for a positive 3C response, don't you think? Then how can you be sure you have the queens for the grand slam? I would not be able to count all 13 tricks.
3. And Mike777, please explain your initial bids. I don't know how to put your reply in a box, so I re-copied your answers.
3h=4s(rkc in h)
4nt(4)=6c(kC, grand try, deny other kings)
7c=now 7h or 7nt.
Assuming that you bid 2d as a waiting bid for all types of hands, and 2nt shows 24 HCP, what is the name of the convention when you use 4S as RKC for hearts? And then I don't understand the rest of the auction. Can you then visualize the responding hands having the right cards for you to bid the grand slam?
Posted 2012-April-23, 17:56
FrancesHinden, on 2012-April-23, 14:24, said:
If the strong hand opens, then (using a couple of artificial bids)
2C (artificial, game forcing) -
3C (natural positive) -
5NT (grand slam force)
7C (2 of the top 3)
Really? Does 3C promise those 2 major Q's ??
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2012-April-23, 21:00
A K x ................ Q x
A K J 9 .............. Q x x x
A K x ................ x x
Q 9 x ................ A K 10 x x
2C ..........................3C ( 5+ cards w/2 of top 3 )
4C ( Minorwood ) ..... 4S ( 2 - ♣Q )
5H* (outside Q-ask)*.. 5S ( ♠ Q )
5NT ( 2nd Q-ask ) .... 6H ( ♥ Q, denies ♦ Q )
* 5D would have asked for cheapest bid K
..... 5H = ( by-passing K-ask ) asks for cheapest bid outside Q
............. 5NT reply would have been ♥Q, denying ♠Q
...................6D next would have been a 2nd Q-ask, if needed
............. 6C = no outside Q and Opener passes, hoping he can make 12 tricks.
............. 6D = ♦Q but no Major Q and Opener sign-off in 6NT ( he can count 12 tricks )
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2012-April-24, 02:21
If West is first to speak:-
1♣ = 15+ nat/bal or 18+ any
... - 1NT = 9+ with hearts or hearts and clubs, GF
2♣ = relay, usually 18+
... - 2♥ = 4 hearts, 5+ clubs
2♠ = relay
... - 2NT = 5 clubs
3♣ = relay
... - 3♥ = 2425
3♠ = relay
... - 3NT = min
4♣ = relay
... - 4♠ = 3 controls (ace + king or 3 kings)
4NT = relay
... - 5♦ = club control, no heart control
5♣ = relay
... - 5♥ = no spade control
5♠ = relay
... - 5NT = no diamond control
6♣ = relay
... - 6♦ = no ♣Q
6♥ = relay
... - 7♣ = ♥Q, ♠Q, no ♦Q
7NT (Responder is known to have: Qx/Qxxx/xx/AKxxx)
If East is first to speak:-
2♣ = 10-14, 5 clubs and 4 card major or 6+ clubs and no 5 card side suit
... - 2♦ = 4+ hearts
3♦ = 4 hearts, min
... - 4♠ = RKCB
4NT = 1 key card
... - 5♣ = ♥Q?
5NT = yes, and ♣K but no other king
... - 7NT (Opener is known to have: -/Qxxx/-/AKxxx plus 4 non-heart cards lower than a king)
The bid of 4♠ as RKCB for hearts is known as Kickback. The problem here for a beginner is that you need not only RKCB but also follow-ups which are usually beyond the scope of such a player. In the cases of finding a side queen (if clubs are trumps) you need quite advanced follow-ups that even many advanced players do not know. In these cases you probably just have to punt a grand in the hope of finding something good opposite, or settle for a small slam. Getting to a making small slam is rarely a bad achievement for a beginner and I would suggest your friend worry more at this stage about bidding the right games and small slams and pretty much forget grand slams altogether unless they are of the 37+ hcp variety.
And yes, you are right about the forum Frances - I actually missed that until I checked through the thread after writing the above. On the other hand your auction has 5 bids and 3 of them are artificial! I do not think there is any sensible way of bidding these hands with purely natural bids.
Posted 2012-April-25, 03:11
4♣-4NT ( - Keycard)
5♣-5♦ (0/3 - queen ask)
5♠-6♥ (♣Q+♠K - needs heart help)
South's main concern is to avoid reaching seven opposite a hand like AKx Axx AKQ QJxx. If he had ♥K he would have cue-bid it over 4♣, so 6♥ is indicating a problem there rather than a control.
If you prefer to respond 2♦:
3♥-3♠ ( - artificial, agreeing hearts)
4♦-4NT (cue, denying club control - Keycard)
5♦-6♣ (1/4 - needs club help)
7♣-7♥ (♣Q, suggesting clubs as trumps)
In this sequence, South has shown a club control and North has denied either A or K. Hence 6♣ asks for third-round control.
I'm not sure about South's final call. He doesn't want to play 7♥ opposite AKx AKxx AK Qxxx and risk losing a trump. On the other hand, Ax AKJx AKx QJxx makes it important to play in hearts. Maybe he should bid 7♦ to offer a choice between 7♥ and 7NT.
This post has been edited by gnasher: 2012-April-25, 03:17
Posted 2012-April-29, 08:01
Zelandakh, on 2012-April-24, 02:21, said:
3NT - 4C
6C - 7NT
3NT = too strong to open 2NT
4C = natural, forcing slam try
6C = lots of AKs and some sort of club support
7NT = extra high cards
OK, it's a bit guessy. That's probably why artificial bids were invented for strong hands.
Posted 2012-April-29, 11:21
Posted 2012-April-30, 02:54
If West opens
2C - 2D (0)
2NT (1) - 3C (2)
3H - 3S (3)
4D (4) - ...(5)
(0) I prefer to have a 6 card suit for 3C
(1) 23-24 HCP, bal.
(2) Stayman
(3) bidding 3 of the other major after a Stayman inquiry, and after the NT opener showed a 4 card major,
is artifical, agrees the suit, and showes Slam interest
This is useful also with less strength / in other sequences
(4) Cue
(5) The Ace / King asking bids by East will reveal AK in spades, hearts and diamonds.
The problem will be, if opener has xx or xxx in clubs.
I guess bidding 7 will be odds on, but stopping in 6 is no shame.
If East opens, than West wont stop below 7.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2012-April-30, 03:15
ArtK78, on 2012-April-23, 14:19, said:
After 3♣ it will be difficult to get to hearts but it will be fairly easy to get to a grand.
I think this depends on if your partner is going to open distributional hands as 2C or not. If he doesn't, I think 3C is better than if he does. It's not like you cannot drive to slam after a 2D response anyway.
Posted 2012-April-30, 03:50
3N (natural no 5 card suit, it's sensible to play 2♣-positive as F4N unless you already know a control is missing)-4♥
4♠ (keycard, can't be natural here, one of 4♠/4N should be ace asking, the other signoff in 4N, doesn't really matter which)-5♣(1/4)
5♦(Q♥?)-6♣(yes and K♣)
Basically you know your facing ♣ AKxxx and ♥Qxxx which is enough for grand if either suit behaves.
Or: (we play 2N good 19-21, 2N 22-23 so use kokish here)
2♣-2♦(waiting not negative)
2♥(kokish)-2♠(semi forced)
2N(24-25)-3♣ (asking about majors)
3♦(no 5M, but also not 2♠ and 2-3♥)-3♥(4 card ♥)
4♦(cue agreeing ♥, no ♣ control)-4♠(keycard, extras)
5♣(1 or 4)-6♣(I know you have 4 keycards, I have a source of tricks in clubs and the Q♥, can you help me in clubs)
7♥ (Yes, I have the Q♣, I have the J♥ so 7♥ figures to be better than 7N as I don't know whether you have J♣)
Posted 2012-May-06, 04:56
2♣ (strong) - 2♠! (3 controls, slam inviting)
* I prefer to use step responses because it leaves the strong hand hidden most of the time.
2NT (balanced) - 3♣ (stayman)
3♥ - 4NT (RKCB)
5♦ (1 or 4 keycards) - 5NT (King ask)
6♥ (2 Kings) - 7♥
If East opens:
1♥ (4+ Hs, F1) - 2♥ (simple raise on minimum hand, set trumps)
* Now, West should notice that they have at least 36 HCPs in total so a grand slam is very likely.
2♠ (1st round control) - 3♣ (1st round control)
3♦ (1st round control) - 4♣ (2nd round control)
7♥ (all controls are here and I have the trumps A and K so go for it)
Posted 2012-May-06, 06:05
Posted 2012-May-06, 08:21
Antrax, on 2012-May-06, 06:05, said:
Back in February this was answered by phil_20686 in this thread :
He said: " I think its fairly standard if you play normal Stayman , that bidding the other major should show a slam try in partners major. "
2NT - 3C
3H - 3S! = artificial slam try, agreeing ♥
I suppose here it could continue with some cuebidding or a Serious 3NT! :
3NT! - 4C ( cue )
4S! ( kickback ) - 5C ( 1/4 )
5D ( ♥Q-ask ) - 6C ( ♥Q + ♣K )
No way to ask about side-suit Queens; any further "ask" would be for an outside King .
6H ( can't count to a sure 13 tricks )
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .