Well I am no expert and certainly cannot improve on whatever was chosen at the table. Nevertheless, I like posting my thoughts on play problems, hope you don't mind me mucking up your thread
I will pitch a spade on the second club, draw trumps ending in hand, and play a spade to the king. If this holds I return to hand with a trump and do it again. If righty has the ace, he can only exit safely in spades. Perhaps he will be stuck winning the third round as well, and be truly endplayed; if not, the diamond hook is my last chance.
I suppose there must be more to it, to be posted here, but so far I don't see it.
edit: hmm, I already see some problems with that. A diamond exit is actually safe. I can fix that by pitching a diamond on the second club, but then he can play a fourth round spades safely .. if he has a fourth. Maybe that is better.
Life is long and beautiful, if bad things happen, good things will follow.