USBC 2012
Posted 2012-April-26, 17:40
The change in roster changes the seeding order for the USBC. A new ranking of teams by seeding points and new seeding point schedule are now posted. The Milner team is 14th on the list of teams and therefore would be number 11 among the Round Robin teams. Because we had already prepared lineup submission forms and assignment cards for the teams with the Deutsch team assigned number 6 in the list of Round Robin teams and the team numbering in the Round Robin is for convenience only, we have not changed the numbering for the Round Robin. The Milner team's seeding points will of course be used to set the Round of 16 bracket, if they qualify for the Round of 16.
We all wish Seymon a speedy recovery and hope to see him again very soon!
The 2012 USBC, which will select the Open USBF team for the 2012 World Bridge Games this summer, starts on Friday, April 27th at 10:00 am. The 2012 USBC is being held at the Woodfield Hyatt in Schaumburg, IL. There are 18 teams entered, 3 of which have byes to the Knockout phase of competition. The other 15 teams will be playing a complete Round Robin on Friday and Saturday. Eleven of those teams will advance from the Round Robin to the Round of 16, which starts Sunday, April 29th. The Fleisher team will join those 11 teams in the Round of 16, which is a Knockout round played on Sunday and Monday. The six winners from the Round of 16 will join Nickell & Diamond in the Quarterfinal on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Posted 2012-April-29, 06:14
Posted 2012-April-29, 06:36
JLOGIC, on 2012-April-29, 06:14, said:
Let someone else get the beer. You need your sleep.
Posted 2012-April-29, 06:42

Posted 2012-April-29, 21:41
Posted 2012-April-29, 22:10
rduran1216, on 2012-April-29, 21:41, said:
you can also pull up the hand records of the hands played on vugraph at...recent bbo vugraphs
Posted 2012-May-01, 08:23
However, can someone explain how a team which started out tenth in seeding points and finished 11th in the RR can emerge into the K.O. phase as the 6-seed ahead of Spector and Jacobs?
Posted 2012-May-01, 08:43
aguahombre, on 2012-May-01, 08:23, said:
Spector was the 6th seed in the Knockout phase, but seeds 3-4, 5-8, 9-12 and 13-14 were randomly shuffled. It's explained on the front page of the USBF website.
Posted 2012-May-01, 11:31
Posted 2012-May-01, 12:39
Posted 2012-May-01, 14:44
aguahombre, on 2012-May-01, 08:23, said:
However, can someone explain how a team which started out tenth in seeding points and finished 11th in the RR can emerge into the K.O. phase as the 6-seed ahead of Spector and Jacobs?
the teams ranked 5-8 in total seeding pts after the round robin are randomly shuffled for new rankings in round of 16
lee was ranked 5-8 in total seeding pts after the round robin
The shuffle gave them the rank of 6
to put it another way at the start they were seeded 10th in total seeding pts.
two teams ahead of them lost so now they were ranked 8th.
shuffle for new seeds between 5-8
after the round robin no team below them won enough extra seeding pts from round robin to move ahead of them into 5-8.
Posted 2012-May-01, 19:18
The Lee team was not in the "next four" from the RR to be shuffled into slots 5-8. They were "the final 2" to be shuffled into 13 and 14.
I guess they must have defined "highest ranked RR qualifiers" as qualifiers with the highest seeding points, rather than qualifiers who finished highest.
They changed their terminology along the way, and perhaps should have awarded 8 additional seeding points to the two teams of qualifiers who already had the most seeding points to be consistent.

Posted 2012-May-01, 19:19
aguahombre, on 2012-May-01, 19:18, said:
The Lee team was not in the "next four" from the RR to be shuffled into slots 5-8. They were "the final 2" to be shuffled into 13 and 14.
The Lee team was in the next four per seeding points.
You need to quote in full. So in theory you could finish in last the very last qualify place in the round robin and be seeded number 3 overall for round of 16.
It might help if you just try and rank all the teams by the "new" seeding point totals.
As soon as the qualifying teams from the Round Robin are known, the teams will be ranked by their new seeding point totals (the Round Robin winner & second place team get 8 additional seeding points, third gets 4 and fourth 2). The DICs will then randomly shuffle the Fleisher team and the highest ranked Round Robin qualifier into slots 3 and 4, the next 4 highest ranked Round Robin qualifiers into slots 5-8, the next 4 into 9-12 and the final 2 into 13 and 14 (15 & 16 are the bye teams that lose to Nickell and Diamond in the Round of 16). The Round Robin winner will then have the option of "re-shuffling" before the bracket is set. The Nickell team is seeded 1 and the Diamond team 2.