Scene: A hot, steamy Oklahoma City night in the summer
Location: The local duplicate, stuffy with old farts and old stuff
The protagonists: The dynamically misguided duo who was inspiring at times in their attempts to understand why they sucked at club bridge, but played great at tourneys (at the time mind you).
The situation:
Our beautifully attractive woman, a brunette with a warm smile and eyes that are enticing enough to run out for ice cream at 2AM, opens a forcing 1
♣ and hears the handsome windblown man, who is very much trying to woo this brunette with charm, personality, and ice cream runs, responds 3
♥, showing a 5-5 hand in the black suits. Our heroine, for reasons that to this day remain unexplained, decides to venture a 4
♥ call, which she "hopes" gets the handsome windblown man to choose which black suit to play in.....only to get DROPPED there because the gentleman is thinking the attractive woman is on a 6-7 card
♥ suit.
The handsome windblown man, after recovering from the horrid shock of playing 4
♥ on AQ9 opposite T-x, decides to see how many tricks are really possible. He wiggles, finesses, manipulates, massages, prays, sacrifices willingly body parts trying desperately to salvage some ounce of self-respect.....
only to make the contract because the KJ8x is ONSIDE.
The handsome windblown man scratches his head in amazement over his luck, writes down 4
♥ making for +620, when par is 6NT......
Thus, this is the strangest top I have ever received, and directly influenced the massive rewrite to generate the structure over 1
♣ openings.
"Champions aren't made in gyms, champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. " - M. Ali