A couple issues with Capp:
1. Advancer's actions in competition. Fairly often, I get auctions like:
1nt-(2c!)-2d!-? or 1nt-(2c)-2h!-?
and as advancer I have a decent hand that has adequate support for all the other suits. But I find myself unable to double to get partner to bid his suit, because double here is showing my own good suit, and if I wait for opener to complete the transfer, and p-p- back to me, double is defined as penalty of the transfered into suit. It would be really nice to allow a double here on say 7 or 8+ pts, takeout of responder's suit, to get partner to compete at the 3 level.
2. GIB habitually bids Capp 2M with 4 cd major and 5+ minor. I strongly feel that this is a completely unplayable treatment; only 5 cd major should be allowed. The reason is that extremely frequently, responder has some 2x3x type hand when partner say bids 2 spades. Without 4-4 in the minors, it's really unsafe to rescue from a potential 5-2 fit into a possible 4-3 fit at the 3 level. 5-2 is generally more playable than 4-3, but mainly the odds of getting doubled are just way, way worse. But playing 4-2 fit is really horrendous, esp if vul or doubled. I think originally Capp might have required 5-5, bidding on 5-4 I can live with, but not 4-5.
Even better would be if GIB didn't play capp at all; I like almost anything, including just simple Landy, better, and I think most of the forum agrees. But maybe it has achieved too much popularity to change.
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Cappelletti continuations
Posted 2012-April-15, 12:43
It needs improvement indeed, but is there a "simple" convention which has just couple of followons. Especially artificial overcalls showing one ( unknown ) ,two suiters ( one unknown ) and not limited strength.
Posted 2012-April-16, 19:00
I always thought what Barry Crane used to play was pretty easy.....
2♣ majors
rest all natural
I had one come up today
GIB bid 2♥ 4-6 in reds so we played our 4-2 heart fit red down 2
2♣ majors
rest all natural
I had one come up today
GIB bid 2♥ 4-6 in reds so we played our 4-2 heart fit red down 2
Posted 2012-April-16, 20:07
Yeah 2c majors = Landy, I think that would be simple and best. after 2c, 2d with equal length in major (ask partner bid longer major), 2M = longer major, 2nt = inv, 3m = natural, 3M = 5 cd M, weak, 4M = to play
other calls just natural 6+ suits.
bidding 2h with 4-6 in reds is sick, it should 2c with that. Does anyone know anyone good who advocates capp 2M on 4-5 or 4-6?
other calls just natural 6+ suits.
bidding 2h with 4-6 in reds is sick, it should 2c with that. Does anyone know anyone good who advocates capp 2M on 4-5 or 4-6?
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