This auction was repeated by a bunch of humans sitting south (not me!), who made a rather poor choice to takeout double vs. say 4d.
But I feel like they should get away with it,except for some poor definitions of continuations here:
1. 3h says 20- total points. Should be limited, maybe 9- total points?
2. 4h defined as 25+ total points causing North to go berzerk w/ blkwood. Another one of those unrealistic 25+ pt auctions. Is there some default rule that says you have to have game in hand if partner might be broke? It has to be modified after enemy preempts to give partner a default 7-8 points or so. I think 17+ pts is more realistic, and North should assume 17-22 and never explore slam.
BTW GIB as south balances with 3h, is 4d in the database as majors? Surely it should be considered, I would definitely bid it. If it's not strong enough I'd relax the restrictions somewhat, I think it's too hard to bid 2 suiters in the majors otherwise.