nige1, on 2012-May-12, 12:53, said:
As well as a BML->BSS it would be useful to have a BSS -> BML program[*]Then you could offer BML to BBO as an alternative to BSS. With automatic interconversion, BBO could allow members to use either format
Yes, reverse engineering would be nice, making a BML file from FD.
nige1, on 2012-May-12, 12:53, said:
It would be nice not to lose comments. That happens now when you convert to FD and publish using downagain's upload.
nige1, on 2012-May-12, 12:53, said:

Let's do that! Let's assume that the ressources are available, to enhance the parts of BBO that deal with Bidding systems development and training.
- Capture explanations at the table. When playing or practising bidding online, capture explanations at the table and store in systemfile. The explanations are to be accepted/modified (see below).
- History. When playing or practising bidding, make a cross-reference between the resulting lin file and the system. Reviewing at later stage can help remembering system. This feature can also be the fundament for statistics. Make it possible to save comments related to each deal/auction.
- Review. Incorporate a review feature, similar to Windows Word that allows accept/reject of PD's suggestions. When changes are accepted, audit trail should be made so that changes can be tracked. The idea is to support commitment to changes.
- Quiz. Run a bidding tool in a "quiz mode", exercising those auctions that tend to me hard to remember. Selecting auctions could be based on the auction being marked as tricky, or it could be based on historical data, that is, let the tool present bids that have not occured during online training or play.
- Challenge the Champs. Prepare lin files with hands bid (and played) by great players for bidding pratice or play. Save result as described above.
Thanks Kungsgeten! I like BML.