Is it not strong enough to bid 2♥? Surely this should be adjusted?
not enough for free bid, really?
Posted 2012-April-11, 21:43
I agree that this is too much, I'll talk to Georgi about lowering it.
Posted 2012-April-11, 23:21
barmar, on 2012-April-11, 21:43, said:
Posted 2012-April-12, 00:48
But competitive bidding doesn't have to show the same strength as opening, which is why I think we can lower the requirements for this response.
The big problem with GIB's calculation of total points is that it doesn't adjust for context. I was taught similar HCP adjustments when I was first learning bridge, but later on I learned that you only make these adjustments once you've found a fit, and then you can treat each suit differently depending on how they're likely to fit with partner's hand. But GIB doesn't know how to do this, and it's not ever likely to learn it -- it's too radical a design change. Figuring out how well hands fit together is a job for simulations, but we don't allow sims to override basic auctions like this one.
BTW, every lesson on hand evaluation says that honors are more valuable in long suits than short suits. Rather than adjust the values of the honors themselves, we accomplish something similar by downgrading the short suits containing honors when calculating TP.
Posted 2012-April-12, 04:06
barmar, on 2012-April-12, 00:48, said:
I have found the rule of 20 to be a good guide but it falls down on these single-suiter hands. Change A♠ to A♣ and 6♣ to 6♠ and suddenly it fits the criteria, which seems pointless to me. Also in a hand with such an excellent 7 card suit it makes sense to give greater weight to shortage. I would open 1♥ in seats 1 and 2 at any colours - not that I'm claiming this would be standard.
Apologies for the off-topic post.
Posted 2012-April-12, 08:04
Regardless of that, I agree that it's worth a free bid rather than a negX.
Posted 2012-April-12, 08:33
Posted 2012-April-12, 08:34
Standard bidding says that to bid at the 2-level opposite an opening you need about 10+ HCP, i.e. slightly less than an opening. So regardless of whether GiB thinks this is slightly less than, or is, an opening bid, it ought to bid 2H. I suggest you bring the limit down to 11 TP to match that of the other suits (maybe even reduce both limits to 10?)
Posted 2012-April-12, 08:49
I can't imagine not forcing to game opposite a partner who can open. I also can't imagine opening 3h, except perhaps vul vs. not. You have 7 tricks, by the old conservative rule of 2 and 3 you are supposed to open 4 if choosing to preempt. Or open 1. It is a rule of 20 opener, 10 hcp + 7 + 3, and has 2 QT so meets the rule of 22 also.
If it's only counting this hand as 11-12 "total points", and thus not worth GF, I'd argue that it's evaluation is really flawed. It should be around 14 IMO. FWIW the K&R evaluator rates it as 13.5, it considers 12.5 a "mandatory major suit opener". I think way more than 10-20% open 1.
It's fine to bid 2h, then 3h non-forcing if the hand was say 2623 or 3613 with the same honors. But the 7th card makes it way too strong, I don't think it close at all. We want GIB to mimic good players playing down the middle, don't we, not mainstream average (bad) ones, no?
Posted 2012-April-12, 10:44
barmar, on 2012-April-12, 00:48, said:
Posted 2012-April-12, 22:13
- for this particular hand, set the hand in question as dealer, force GIB to try 1h, 3h, 4h, as opener, play it out a large # of times, see what actually works best
- in general, test GIB vs. a tweaked evaluator version that upgrades a bit more for good long suits, at least enough for it to want to force to game opposite partner's opening, see if the evaluation function is worth tweaking.
Posted 2012-April-13, 15:40
So perhaps when we get some time, we can try a match that checks this particular tweak.
Posted 2012-April-15, 05:01
barmar, on 2012-April-11, 21:43, said:
I agree that this is too much, I'll talk to Georgi about lowering it.
If he does lower it, also look into auction 1m-(1s)-2h-?-3h. This should have an upper limit, probably 12 total pts. Right now it doesn't appear to have upper limit.
I'm getting 14+ total points for both, now, and 3h is described as "strong rebiddable". I think "twice rebiddable" is enough.