All kinds of fail on this one.
- why 1nt instead of 5! card major?
- free 1nt shows 6-9, 2-5 H, 2-5 spades, arguably should still be 2-3sp, 2-3sp.
- 3c shows "strong rebiddable clubs". I think on this auction merely 4 clubs are required, "biddable clubs", since 1nt should be showing either clubs or some # of diamonds. Also, it appears to be triggering explanations of both 5+ diamonds and 4-card diamonds which is weird. I think the auction should imply 5+ diamonds, (this type of auction being another reason I'm not fond of GIB opening 1d on 4-5 in the minors).
Furthermore the bid is virtually unlimited, 21-, should be limited to maybe 17 total points?
which leads to the final pass ???