strong 2c opening when will you open
Posted 2012-April-12, 09:03
1. 22+ HCP as balanced
2. Nine tricks for a major, 10 tricks for a minor
3. I generally ignore HCP, although I probably have some internal mechanism for quick tricks that I am not aware of.
Normally, I don't post in threads of this genre this but there was an interesting poll choice:
"2♦ positive, all others not GF"
I do not want to threadjack, but has anyone actually played this, and what is there experience?
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-April-12, 10:10
Phil, on 2012-April-12, 09:03, said:
1. 22+ HCP as balanced
2. Nine tricks for a major, 10 tricks for a minor
3. I generally ignore HCP, although I probably have some internal mechanism for quick tricks that I am not aware of.
Normally, I don't post in threads of this genre this but there was an interesting poll choice:
"2♦ positive, all others not GF"
I do not want to threadjack, but has anyone actually played this, and what is there experience?
It is quite common in Sweden to include 20-21 balanced in 2♣ and play 2NT as 22-24. In this case 2 of a major or 3 of a minor are usually played as a signoff vs the "weak" balanced hand.
Posted 2012-April-12, 10:14
mattias, on 2012-April-12, 10:10, said:
I like this approach.
I am trying to get my partners to switch to 2♣-2[x] - 2N as 20-21 and a 2N opening as 22-23, so that we can play GF Jacoby Transfers.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-April-12, 10:20
For our responses, we have 2♦ as a semi +ve relay, and both 2♥ and 2♠ as negatives. 2♥ showing a complete bust or a trick for ♠ only, and 2♠ showing a trick for ♥ only. Based on Chris Ryall's methods, but not playing the 3-suited bit.
Posted 2012-April-12, 11:24
mattias, on 2012-April-12, 10:10, said:
What are the specific responses?
Is 2♥ hearts or is it a generic negative?
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-April-12, 11:46
Phil, on 2012-April-12, 11:24, said:
Is 2♥ hearts or is it a generic negative?
According to the post you just quoted, 2M and 3m are all natural and super-weak. It is hard to imagine a more wasteful response structure, 4 responses catering to 0-2 (3) hcp hands. ugh
George Carlin
Posted 2012-April-12, 13:06
"all responses game forcing opposite an unbalanced hand" which is what we play
(we've just started playing a new scheme of artificial responses which doesn't fit into the forum name, but the principle of 2C being game forcing as an opening hasn't changed)
Posted 2012-April-12, 14:16
gwnn, on 2012-April-12, 11:46, said:
It seems that there should be a way to show a weak hand without any suit.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-April-12, 14:34
Phil, on 2012-April-12, 14:16, said:
It's quite possible to play a combination of transfers and kokish
2♦ either waiting or 5+♥
2♥ 5+♠
higher something smart
Over 2♦, 2♥ shows 20-21 balanced or strong with hearts, responder can pass with hearts, relay with 2♠ with the waiting hands, or bid something higher to show a GF with hearts.
In theory occasionally you get caught and play in 2♥ with a GF heart hand opposite a weak 5♥ hand. The people I know that play this claim this hasn't happened once yet. I keep hoping it does when I play against them, but I don't like my chances!
Posted 2012-April-12, 15:24
Posted 2012-April-12, 16:34
mattias, on 2012-April-12, 10:10, said:
I know a very good player (originally from Sweden) who strongly advocates this method. The 2M responses show a 4- or 5-card suit (he responded 2♠ to 2♣ holding ♠5432 against me once!). His reasoning is that he believes that there is usually at least a 4-3 major suit fit and that a 4-3 fit will often make more tricks than NT (as the weak hand is often worth no tricks in NT).