Red vs White, imp pairs:
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Those pesky spades At the 6 level
Posted 2012-April-10, 22:14
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
Also, he rates to not have a heart void when he leads the ♥3.
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
Besides playing for fun, most people also like to play bridge to win
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Posted 2012-April-10, 22:34
I would double, I don't want to force to the 6lvl at these colors
"And no matter what methods you play, it is essential, for anyone aspiring to learn to be a good player, to learn the importance of bidding shape properly." MikeH
Posted 2012-April-11, 01:46
Double. This is also the bid i would have made on the first round.
"The King of Hearts a broadsword bears, the Queen of Hearts a rose." W. H. Auden.
Posted 2012-April-11, 18:05
Double just has to be correct here.
When the opps preempt with apparent effectiveness, as here, we should strive to get the least bad result rather than the best result. Or as S.J. Simon said: aim for the best result possible rather than the best possible result.
Over 4♠, our choices were 5♦, double or 4N.
4N leaves us having to pass 5♣, since correcting to 5♦ would show a red two-suiter, so that it out.
Double will far too often lead to having to make the opening lead...while that may be the best possible result, our hand suggests that bidding 5♦ will more often lead to a better part because, as here, we get to double 5♠.
5♦: we'd rather have a better suit, but this bid seems, to me at least, as the least bad call at this juncture.
Now that the auction has come back to us, we have to do something to announce ownership of the hand.
Bidding clubs would convey the length discrepancy, but would overstate the combined minor shape....I'd expect 7-5 or so.
Bidding 5N would seem to me to be slightly better, in that, having bid diamonds already, partner won't prefer clubs without at least 2 more clubs than diamonds. I'm not sure exactly how one should best define the differences between 6♣ and 5N....I doubt that the situation is one I'll ever need to can we force to slam after making a passable 5♦ call? And how can we be saving at this heat?
So I think we are driven to double.
While the odds are very high that we are now going to have to find the lead (I'd love to have a trump both for the lead and because it would virtually eliminate the chance that we can make slam), partner isn't actually barred by this call, if made in reasonable tempo.
When the opps preempt with apparent effectiveness, as here, we should strive to get the least bad result rather than the best result. Or as S.J. Simon said: aim for the best result possible rather than the best possible result.
Over 4♠, our choices were 5♦, double or 4N.
4N leaves us having to pass 5♣, since correcting to 5♦ would show a red two-suiter, so that it out.
Double will far too often lead to having to make the opening lead...while that may be the best possible result, our hand suggests that bidding 5♦ will more often lead to a better part because, as here, we get to double 5♠.
5♦: we'd rather have a better suit, but this bid seems, to me at least, as the least bad call at this juncture.
Now that the auction has come back to us, we have to do something to announce ownership of the hand.
Bidding clubs would convey the length discrepancy, but would overstate the combined minor shape....I'd expect 7-5 or so.
Bidding 5N would seem to me to be slightly better, in that, having bid diamonds already, partner won't prefer clubs without at least 2 more clubs than diamonds. I'm not sure exactly how one should best define the differences between 6♣ and 5N....I doubt that the situation is one I'll ever need to can we force to slam after making a passable 5♦ call? And how can we be saving at this heat?
So I think we are driven to double.
While the odds are very high that we are now going to have to find the lead (I'd love to have a trump both for the lead and because it would virtually eliminate the chance that we can make slam), partner isn't actually barred by this call, if made in reasonable tempo.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Posted 2012-April-11, 18:29
Double in tempo.
At IMPs, it's better to take the sure positive than speculate on a slam.
At IMPs, it's better to take the sure positive than speculate on a slam.
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