Hi all,
What should a 3NT overcall of a 2 level preempt typically show? And what would be the difference between a direct 3NT overcall and a double, followed by 3NT, assuming we play Lebensohl over takeout doubles? Over the weekend, I overcalled my opponent's 2♥ with 3NT in the direct seat on a 19 count 5341 hand, with AQT in hearts. This led to a poor result as we had a 10 card spade fit and was cold for both 6♠ and 6NT, and partner did not take action with his 10 count 5224 hand.
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3NT Overcall
Posted 2012-April-08, 20:44
A 3NT overcall of a 2-level opening should show an expectation of making 9 tricks with at least one stopper in their suit.
A double followed by 3NT should show a balanced or semi-balanced powerhouse hand - about 21-22 HCP or even more - with at least one stopper in their suit. Double followed by 2NT should show about 19-20 HCP. Of course, if partner bids Lebensohl, this creates a bid of a problem, as 19-20 may be enough to make a game opposite partner's "weak" hand.
Having a 5 card major on the side is very unusual for a 3NT overcall. I would certainly not expect it if I were the 3NT overcaller's partner. Having said that, if I had a 10 count opposite a 3NT overcall of a 2 level opening bid, I doubt that I would pass. But I would have to see my hand.
A double followed by 3NT should show a balanced or semi-balanced powerhouse hand - about 21-22 HCP or even more - with at least one stopper in their suit. Double followed by 2NT should show about 19-20 HCP. Of course, if partner bids Lebensohl, this creates a bid of a problem, as 19-20 may be enough to make a game opposite partner's "weak" hand.
Having a 5 card major on the side is very unusual for a 3NT overcall. I would certainly not expect it if I were the 3NT overcaller's partner. Having said that, if I had a 10 count opposite a 3NT overcall of a 2 level opening bid, I doubt that I would pass. But I would have to see my hand.
Posted 2012-April-08, 21:48
Obviously depends on agreements. One way to play it is that a direct 2NT is 15-18 balanced (with a stopper) and stronger balanced hands double first. A direct 3NT is then a hand with a source of tricks and a stopper and partner should not bid without slam interest.
Posted 2012-April-09, 02:10
A good distinction to make is that double followed by 3NT invites partner to pull i.e. it shows a strong balanced hand (how strong depends on whether you had room to double then bid 2NT as well), while a direct jump to 3NT is hoping to make it but is likely to have a long minor and isn't particularly interested in partner bidding a long side suit.
So with
I double a weak 2H opening then bid 3NT
but with
I overcall 3NT immediately
So with
I double a weak 2H opening then bid 3NT
but with
I overcall 3NT immediately
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