Improving our slam bidding - I
Posted 2012-April-07, 11:17
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-April-07, 11:34
My religion forbids me to bid 5m over 4m when partner is unlimited and all he might want to do is bid keycard becaus ehe has everything. I would never bid 5♦ as west.
Posted 2012-April-07, 11:45
My West would have "answered Minorwood" with 5C, showing the diamond queen because of the extra diamond. Even if a partnership doesn't employ Minorwood normally, you might agree to do it on hands like this, where 4D sets trump, is forcing, and you have 1st or second round control in every suit. Overwise, with a hand not wanting to sign off in 5D, opener could bid 4N as a general agreement for slam.
Posted 2012-April-07, 11:56
- billw55
Posted 2012-April-07, 13:55
Pass.... then
Let East show his intentions at a lower level.... in this case East will bid 3D.
This will keep 4D as Minorwood.... after some 3-level cue-bidding. East will be the one to go 4D-RKC.
2) Over this special auction of a 1H open, 1S Response and 2D rebid by Opener, you could use a Meckwell gadget:
1H - 1S
2D - 2S! = artificial GF ( says nothing about extra ♠length ( rather than use the unwieldy 3C! artificial GF )
Here though, the extra room may not be of any help.
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2012-April-07, 15:35
I find these hands pretty tough, but he has potentially loads of tricks opposite fairly routine hands like Axxxx Kx KQxx xx which is a totally normal GF.
These big two suiters with controls are incredibly good with a good fit. I would have chosen to rebid 3d as 55 over fsf, and over 4d I would have bid 4S, I dont think its right to cue bid a heart here, since there is little room and partner will expect a heart honour anyway. I think cue bidding hearts shows a decent suit like AKxxx or something.
This post has been edited by phil_20686: 2012-April-08, 13:06
Posted 2012-April-07, 18:20
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2012-April-07, 13:55, said:
Because of the extra shape, i.e. something to say. But like others I infinitely prefer 3♦; 3♥ suggests only 4 ♦ to me.
Posted 2012-April-10, 08:16
up to 4D erverything looks ok.
After 4D, opener should bid 4H, he has a 6511 hand, a min opener, but 2 Aces.
In the end I believe, a bid like 4H in this kind of seq. does not promise
anything particular, it just cross checks, if we can make an overtrick in 5D.
And if partner passes 4H with the king of heart singleton, this will be ok as well
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2012-April-10, 13:04
Posted 2012-April-13, 08:36
I think that 5D was a huge misevaluation. This is a minimum opening but when partner shows a slam try with real length in one of your suits you suddenly have quite a good hand.
- hrothgar