lead question ?seilppa renthgil
Posted 2012-April-03, 07:34
all red
BBO tournament
you hear the following auction (no comments on sanity)
West North East South
- - - 1S
P 2H P 2NT
P 4NT P 5D
P 5NT P 6H
you hold
what do you lead and why?
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2012-April-03, 07:42
Attempts at a quantitative NT and opener responding as if it were Blackwood?
Anyway, since partner doubled this freely bid slam, and without our side bidding, my lead is a ♥, which is what I assume the double to ask for.
Posted 2012-April-03, 09:02
Posted 2012-April-03, 09:36
if reading the auction correctly.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2012-April-03, 09:47
Regarding the auction, it looks like a very standard BBO auction of the "quantitative v. blackwood" type. This is so common that I am very reluctant to ever bid a quantitative 4NT with a pickup partner. Then again, perhaps the same could be said of slam doubles.
Posted 2012-April-03, 10:07
Posted 2012-April-03, 12:22
phil_20686, on 2012-April-03, 10:07, said:
A normal spade lead? Don't you mean a normal club lead?
By the way, I would lead the ♥J. If partner REALLY wants a heart lead, the J is best.
Posted 2012-April-03, 14:49
Either pd has 2 aces in a mix up and if hearts lets it through pd should avoid dubbling.
I'm rooting for k of h and an ace with pd.
Posted 2012-April-04, 06:15
ArtK78, on 2012-April-03, 12:22, said:
By the way, I would lead the ♥J. If partner REALLY wants a heart lead, the J is best.
Yes, sorry, I thought partner had opened 1S
Now that partner has passed throughout Iam always leading a heart, as nothing seems any better.
Posted 2012-April-04, 06:25
Posted 2012-April-04, 07:03
But keep my HJ - just may be a guard
to let partner off the squeeze.
Posted 2012-April-04, 08:04
dake50, on 2012-April-04, 07:03, said:
But keep my HJ - just may be a guard
to let partner off the squeeze.
I was about to say the ♥J, but the idea of keeping a guard against a possible squeeze is intriguing.
Oh, well! LHO bid hearts and I'm not going to get the lead again, so . . . caution to the wind: ♥J.
"If you're driving [the Honda S2000] with the top up, the storm outside had better have a name."
Simplify the complicated side; don't complify the simplicated side.
Posted 2012-April-04, 08:12
phil_20686, on 2012-April-03, 10:07, said:
This is an interesting coincidence: I was playing Monday evening with a semi-regular partner about whose experience I'm learning bit-by-bit. After this auction by the opponents:
1♣ - 1♥ - 1NT - 3NT
I held ♥ A K J 6 2 and some other bits behind the incipient dummy, but didn't double because I wasn't sure that partner would have taken it as lead-directing. It turns out he would have, and the heart lead would have set 3NT; it made without the heart lead.
"If you're driving [the Honda S2000] with the top up, the storm outside had better have a name."
Simplify the complicated side; don't complify the simplicated side.
Posted 2012-April-04, 08:20
Posted 2012-April-04, 16:49
Posted 2012-April-05, 22:48
Lead ♥J
Posted 2012-April-06, 01:24
That's not very likely, but the scenarios where ♥J gains aren't that likely either, and the IMP effects are very different. If the field is in game, an the second undertrick gains us two IMPs and the third gains us one more. Letting the contract through costs 33.
As for which suit to lead, why are we deciding what to lead against a doubled slam without finding out what the auction means?
Posted 2012-April-06, 09:00
gnasher, on 2012-April-06, 01:24, said:
That's not very likely, but the scenarios where ♥J gains aren't that likely either, and the IMP effects are very different. If the field is in game, an the second undertrick gains us two IMPs and the third gains us one more. Letting the contract through costs 33.
As for which suit to lead, why are we deciding what to lead against a doubled slam without finding out what the auction means?
Standard Amer 1♠ beyond that as the eventual doubler I did not inquire deeply as I knew the auction was hosed by the opps which is more information than my partner had as my hand was
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw