Unfortunately 5♥ made (down 1 double dummy) for a bottom. ATB?
A bad night at the club - 1
Posted 2012-March-26, 16:40
Unfortunately 5♥ made (down 1 double dummy) for a bottom. ATB?
Posted 2012-March-26, 17:24
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other.” -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2012-March-26, 18:01
wyman, on 2012-March-26, 17:24, said:
I agree with this. What is the point of the double otherwise? Anyway, I would pass 4H.
Posted 2012-March-27, 03:10
I understand Easts X of 5 ♥, ALL finesses are working for them and West has a weaker hand then expected. Bad luck for East.
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2012-March-27, 13:04
Posted 2012-March-27, 15:28
HighLow21, on 2012-March-27, 13:04, said:
Not enough dummy entries to do what you need to do on a diamond lead. Because partner made a takeout double vul vs. not at the 4 level and you have an 8 count with potential soft tricks all over the place. The last two I have no real answers for.
Posted 2012-March-27, 15:45
Since 5♥ is cold barring a low ♦ lead AND failure to cover the J♥ and 5♣ is slated for -800 I have to think West was colour blind.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2012-March-27, 16:43
HighLow21, on 2012-March-27, 13:04, said:
Because he has a void in hearts, support for all the other suits, enough values to bid, and he doesn't want to get robbed.
Posted 2012-March-27, 16:50
HighLow21, on 2012-March-27, 13:04, said:
Because west showed a powerful 20+ point hand and this is easts way of saying that I am flat and don't have much offensive help for you so perhaps we should defend.
That is where the blame belongs, west doesn't have the hand he showed. I have more sympathy for 5♣, which at least shows a distributional hand rather then a powerful hand but I would still pass.
Posted 2012-March-27, 16:57
dwar0123, on 2012-March-27, 16:50, said:
Sorry, but that is complete nonsense.
Posted 2012-March-27, 17:09
655321, on 2012-March-27, 16:57, said:
Would you care to elaborate? I am not above admitting I am wrong, but just calling it nonsense is exceedingly unhelpful.
He doubled and then pulled his partner's 4♠ to 5♣. My understanding of doubling and bidding is that it shows around 18 points, doing it at the 5 level vulnerable I would expect at least 20 and some extra distribution to boot.
Posted 2012-March-27, 17:15
dwar0123, on 2012-March-27, 17:09, said:
The modern style, or a modern style, is that a double of three- or four-level opening followed by a new suit offers a choice of strains ("a flexible hand"), rather than showing extra strength. In this sequence West has shown something like a 2146 shape, and is offering a choice between clubs and diamonds.
Posted 2012-March-27, 17:18
dwar0123, on 2012-March-27, 17:09, said:
He doubled and then pulled his partner's 4♠ to 5♣. My understanding of doubling and bidding is that it shows around 18 points, doing it at the 5 level vulnerable I would expect at least 20 and some extra distribution to boot.
My mistake, I thought you were talking about the initial double (which is normally played as takeout and doesn't have to be anywhere near 20 points).
Still, doubling and bidding a suit doesn't show the strong single-suited hand either, normally it shows a flexible hand, playable in clubs as well as other places. I wouldn't have bid 5♣ on this hand, but would have passed 4♠.
A very strong hand that is only playable in clubs usually has to guess between overcalling 5♣ or 6♣.
Posted 2012-March-27, 17:21
gnasher, on 2012-March-27, 17:15, said:
While we're on the topic, what is the difference between opener's
direct 4N
I assume 4N is pick, X-4N shows a 2 card difference C<D, and X-5C shows a 2 card diff C>D?
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other.” -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2012-March-27, 17:29
wyman, on 2012-March-27, 17:21, said:
direct 4N
I assume 4N is pick, X-4N shows a 2 card difference C<D, and X-5C shows a 2 card diff C>D?
That sounds sensible, although there's a case for double-then-4NT to be Keycard.
Posted 2012-March-27, 19:34
So if he intervenes, his side will be contracting at the 4 or 5 level with somewhere between 21-23 HCP. Whatever points preemptor's partner has are sitting behind his tenaces. The expectation of making any contract his side bids aren't very high.
Besides that, he's Red vs. White.
Sometimes you've just got to stay fixed by a preempt and this certainly looks like one of those times.