Suppose RHO preempted heavily in ♠ and South ended up playing 5♥. LHO leads ♠Q. How do you plan the play?
Instructive hand
Posted 2012-March-24, 02:51
Suppose RHO preempted heavily in ♠ and South ended up playing 5♥. LHO leads ♠Q. How do you plan the play?
Posted 2012-March-24, 04:36
Posted 2012-March-24, 12:50
Antrax, on 2012-March-24, 04:36, said:
Both opps follow.
Antrax, on 2012-March-24, 04:36, said:
Actually, that's irrelevant.
Posted 2012-March-24, 14:09
SA, draw trump, cash diamonds, CA, S9.
Posted 2012-March-24, 15:46
Posted 2012-March-24, 17:02
East4Evil ♥ sohcahtoa 4ever!!!!!1
Posted 2012-March-24, 18:51
Posted 2012-March-24, 21:09
I clear trumps, cash 2♦ and see 4-1 (assuming LHO has 4)
Play A and another ♣;
-If LHO takes this and exits with ♦, then i play ♠ and endplay RHO for ruff and sluff
-If RHO takes ♣, he can cash a ♠ and endplayed again for ruff and sluff.
Are we supposed to hide our answers ? I didnt see OP asking us to hide, or am i missing something ?
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2012-March-24, 21:56
Posted 2012-March-24, 23:18
Posted 2012-March-25, 00:26
The hand always makes if ♦s are 3-2. The problem is when ♦s are 4-1.
So cashing the second ♦ honor tells you who that is. The vast majority of the time it will be the preemptor's partner.
But there is a small but certain percentage of the time that the preemptor will hold the 4 ♦s.
It's important because that can affect the order of card play to execute the throw in.
Posted 2012-March-25, 03:14
MrAce, on 2012-March-24, 21:09, said:
It doesn't matter how many spades he has, as long as he has KJ10.
Posted 2012-March-25, 04:03
gnasher, on 2012-March-25, 03:14, said:
I didnt say it matters, although it sounds like that, when i read my post.
ArtK78, on 2012-March-24, 21:56, said:
You HAVE to cash 2♦ for 2 reasons
- It doesnt hurt
- Preemptor may hold KJTxxxx x JT9x K and you go down by cashing only 1♦ and not knowing who has 4

If you see preemptor with 4♦, your only chance is to also find him with only one club. You clear trumps, cash 2 ♦ see he has 4, then cash ♣A and give him 4th ♦ forcing him to play ruff and sluff after he cashes his ♠ winner.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2012-March-25, 08:46
Since you did not provide us with the break in the heart suit, there is a chance that there is no successful throw-in. RHO could have:
If that is the case, you cannot throw in the hand with the diamond shortness.
Odds are that RHO is short in diamonds (if anyone is) so cashing one diamond will be sufficient, but it is true that cashing 2 diamonds is better on this hand.
This problem has often been presented with declarer's side holding stronger diamonds, so that the opponents cannot lead the diamond suit back. For example, suppose the opps diamonds were JT8xx combined. Now you can cash one diamond and throw the opps in, since if they have to lead diamonds back they will give up their diamond trick.
Posted 2012-March-25, 11:29
ArtK78, on 2012-March-25, 08:46, said:
Since you did not provide us with the break in the heart suit, there is a chance that there is no successful throw-in. RHO could have:
If that is the case, you cannot throw in the hand with the diamond shortness.
Odds are that RHO is short in diamonds (if anyone is) so cashing one diamond will be sufficient, but it is true that cashing 2 diamonds is better on this hand.
This problem has often been presented with declarer's side holding stronger diamonds, so that the opponents cannot lead the diamond suit back. For example, suppose the opps diamonds were JT8xx combined. Now you can cash one diamond and throw the opps in, since if they have to lead diamonds back they will give up their diamond trick.
Yes, Kayin said there is a % 100 line after seeing 4-1 ♦, i am still trying to find one but i cant. I assume he meant "if LHO has 4♦"
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2012-March-25, 12:50
There's no problem with playing 2 rounds of ♦ to check them. When they break 3-2 the hand is over. On the hand in question LHO has 4 of them and RHO has singleton, which makes the hand interesting (imo). Same applies if they split 5-0 btw.
When ♦ don't split 3-2, you need to get rid of one, and because of mirror distributions the only means is a ruff and sluff. Therefore you'll need to eliminate all suits and endplay RHO, so he'll have to play a ♠ (or ♣). The only suit that gives us a reasonable chance to endplay RHO is ♠, so we'll have to exit with ♣s first and hope RHO has ♠KJT. It doesn't matter if he has 5, 6, 7 or 8 of them, he just needs KJT (the only cards higher than our 9), a reasonable assumption.
So, after drawing trumps and playing 2 rounds of ♦, you have to play ♣A and ♣x. It doesn't matter if LHO wins this trick, we still have one control in the ♦ suit. If LHO returns a ♦, we win and play ♠9 hoping that RHO has to win this trick. If LHO leads ♠ himself, again, we just hope RHO has to win the trick. When RHO wins his ♠ trick, all he has left are ♠s and ♣s, while we don't have any of these anymore.

Note that playing a 3rd round of ♦ is a huge error, because you still have to lose a ♣ before the endplay. It's also a mistake to play a small ♣ first (instead of the Ace). That would give opps the opportunity to win, play 1 round of ♠s and exit a ♣ (destroying the endplay).
Posted 2012-March-25, 13:34
Free, on 2012-March-25, 12:50, said:
I assume you didnt read the replies to your own post.
"There's no problem with cashing 2 rounds of ♦" is understatement. It is mandatory to cash 2♦ for several reasons.
- As you said it doesnt hurt.
- You can try to make 12 tricks if you see 3-2 break.
- You go down while there is a legit play, if you cash only 1 round ♦, when RHO has 4 of them instead of LHO.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2012-March-25, 13:34
Free, on 2012-March-24, 02:51, said:
Suppose RHO preempted heavily in ♠ and South ended up playing 5♥. LHO leads ♠Q. How do you plan the play?
Easy. Draw trumps, cash 1 round of diamonds ONLY (hoping for a 3-2 split, if so the contract is simple, but we shouldn't cash 2 rounds yet). Next cash A♣ and exit with a low club.
If RHO wins and he returns a diamond, you are golden unless he started with 4 of them. Very unlikely. So assume LHO wins and returns a diamond.
Now you exit with a spade. If RHO started with 1 diamond and wins the 2nd spade he is endplayed.
Assuming the defenders are weak, you might want to cash 4 rounds of trumps before all this. This allows an ill-advised discard of a diamond with a holder of 4, or a spade by LHO.