Scoring: MP
Playing Acol club night MP against average opponents. Bidding:
South West North East
Pass 1♥ Pass 2♣
Pass 2♠ Pass 3♦
Pass 3NT Pass Pass
Partner was playing the hand
North leads ♦K and declarer took with the Ace, South following with ♦6. He then played ♣Q (do you agree?), North following with 6♣ which South took with ♣A. South returned ♦2, which North took with Q♦ returning ♦5 which was won by ♦J in dummy. He now plays ♣K, South following and threw a spade from his hand, whereupon North also throws a spade. Has partner played correctly so far? (I believe he has). At the table I thought he then played against the odds, but in the post mortum, driving home, tried to convince me that the line he took which turned out to be a poor match point score was the best. Now I am not sure. Your views on how he should continue? Would the order in which South played the 6 and 2 of ♦ make any difference to your choice.