How do I respond ?
Response to 1M - Acol
Posted 2012-March-18, 22:07
How do I respond ?
Let me put it in words you might understand, he said. Mr. Trump, fk off! Anders Vistisen
Posted 2012-March-18, 22:31

Let me put it in words you might understand, he said. Mr. Trump, fk off! Anders Vistisen
Posted 2012-March-18, 22:37
jillybean, on 2012-March-18, 22:31, said:

If you didn't have an immediate GF available, typically 2NT or 3NT, you have to start with 2♣. Not ideal; this is why people often play artificial GF raises.
Posted 2012-March-18, 22:41
Posted 2012-March-19, 01:44
if I can?
Let me put it in words you might understand, he said. Mr. Trump, fk off! Anders Vistisen
Posted 2012-March-19, 02:13
Flameous, on 2012-March-19, 02:00, said:
Yes, better to support now unless the hand is really bad. In any case, since partner might only have four of them, most hands that look to a 5cM-player like a pre-emptive raise are really only worth a simple raise in 4cM.
London UK
Posted 2012-March-19, 04:48
1M 2NT = 11/12 raise or 17+ raise or 14-16 splinter
1M 3M = 15/16 bal raise
1M double jump = 10-13 or 17+ splinter
1M 3NT = 12-14 raise
Posted 2012-March-19, 10:06
Posted 2012-March-19, 11:14
jillybean, on 2012-March-19, 01:44, said:
if I can?
You can't bid 3M if you have already put down the dummy. Normally you owe partner a response if you have 6 or more points.
Posted 2012-March-19, 13:19
When I'm teaching term 1, I teach that the OP hand is a raise to 3. If the hand is slightly stronger, then the hand is a raise to 4S. Delayed game raises or Jacoby 2NT etc are definitely 2nd year material.
Posted 2012-March-19, 15:47
This was one of the matters that annoyed me most when trying to teach. Pupils wanted to bid slams and ask for aces and all that "cool" stuff. I tried to fix hands enough that they'd never have chance to try for anything like that.

Posted 2012-March-20, 07:12
Flameous, on 2012-March-19, 15:47, said:

Playing Acol with a beginner last night I raised 1♥ to 4♥ on ♠Kxx ♥KTxxx ♦AKx ♣XX. Making 5, thank you partner.
Later I raised 1♠ to 4♠ on ♠8xxx ♥KTxx ♦Kxxx ♣A. Making 4, thanks again partner.
Slams are pretty rare, really, and there is a lot to be said for not complicating matters and just bidding game - especially if declarer is not yet at a level to play close slams correctly.
Posted 2012-March-20, 07:29
Flameous, on 2012-March-19, 15:47, said:

I think it's the slams & cool stuff that capture the imaginations of new players - whether or not they get them right.
London UK
Posted 2012-March-20, 12:01
P_Marlowe, on 2012-March-20, 10:08, said:
That was my thought too.
Partner opening 1M at acol always has one of two things (ignoring 4441): A five card heart suit in an unbalanced hand, or a strong nt. If you want to be in game opposite both of those things you should bid game. If I give partner a quite ordinary 5422: Axxxx xx Axxx Kx say, I seem to have a pretty good game. (needs only 2-2 spades). Thus, if you do not open light, you should raise to game with this hand.
Regardless, when you bid 3M, you should have an agreement about which minimum hands raise. When playing a limit raise in 5cM its normal to raise on basically any 5431 hand, as they play so much better than 5332, but in acol partner will never be 5332 unless 15-17, so the limit raise should be a bit weaker, and you need a bit more to raise, compared with a strong and five system.