32519, on 2012-March-20, 07:26, said:
Sorry guys, but I have never heard of the sequence you are all proposing as Michael’s. Is this expert standard? I want to hear how many other experts agree with this sequence as being Michael’s.
What else would you play it as? Technically it is not Michaels, it simply has the same meaning of hearts and a minor.
32519, on 2012-March-20, 07:26, said:
With this extreme distribution, I suggest the following:
If N jumps to 4♠, feeling frisky, I can now bid 4NT as 2-places to play. Partner already knows 1. I am happy to Pass 5♣ as pass/correct.
Are you also happy to pass after
♠ - P - 1NT - 2
♠ - P - P - 4NT
P - 5
If you do pass then partner has 3352, if not then 3262 with a small doubleton club. Of course if you pass 4
♠ then partner has 1345. How much easier it is if you have already shown a 2-suiter on the first round. Now partner has a good idea whether to compete to the 5 level or not and you do not need to act unilaterally.