Wackojack, on 2012-March-31, 06:47, said:
I will leave aside the probabilities you gave on getting 0-4 HCP opposite a balanced 20-21 which I think are wrong. More importantly, they are meaningless. If you want to do figures to compare frequency of opportunity to do garbage or crawling stayman against opening 2NT with a 5 card major 5332, then you should compare proportions.
So the proportion of hands 5 card major 5332's compared with all other balanced hands is about 7.7%.
Now looking at the possible Garbage and Crawling Stayman hands you have given, we have to assume that they will be the same relative frequency opposite a 2NT opening bid as they would be with with unknown other hands. This should be roughly true. Then proportion of:
5440's with club or diamond shortages = 0.24%
4441's with club or diamond shortage = 1.5%
4432's with majors = 3.6%
Thus 5.3% of all distributions are suitable for G or S Stayman.
So with your logic (which of course I don't accept anyway) the benefit of using Puppet is 7.7%- 5.5% = plus 2.2%
These numbers of yours here are very close to my own numbers for a 0-37 HCP range. Obviously we cannot use this range. The 2NT bid requirement is 20-21 HCP. I used 0-4 HCP as the bust hand requirement.
The numbers you have quoted fall away hopelessly once you start specifying the HCP range.