I think it takes a lot of courage (if that is the right word) to pass 3
♦. They are white v red...they could be out stealing, and we are the ones with the long spades, and the short diamonds....we have a decent opening bid, and partner may be stuck with too many diamonds and too few spades to be able to act.....don't we think we'd need 3+ spades to reopen with a double? Kx KQxx xxx KQxx 3
♦ P P ? I suspect many would vote for a pass since we can't handle an advance in spades.
Obviously, if we do overcall, and I am surprised that everyone, so far, rejects the idea, we are in trouble. North should bear in mind that his partner may have stretched because of the marked shortness in diamonds, but there is no way N can simply bid 4
Anyone who chooses keycard will find themselves in slam, which has no play.
I wouldn't keycard for precisely that reason.....we can't count tricks just because we know how many keys we hold.
We should be safe in slam if partner has a good overcall and we'd expect to have a decent play in 5 if he doesn't, so I would bid 5
♦. 5
♠ isn't always down
As to whether I would actually overcall or pass....I can't tell.....I know I'd want to overcall, but I am a card-carrying chicken so maybe I wouldn't. This is another example of how difficult it is, for me at least, to be objective when I see how an action would likely turn out.
Edit: on another note, I find it literally incredible that anyone would be 'happy' to bid 4
♠ if partner freely doubled 4
♦. I am almost speechless. What would we bid with the same shape and neither black Ace? Heck, what would we bid with Jxxxxx xxx xx xx?
The same people who have their micrometers so finely tuned that they can easily reject the S hand as too weak to overcall are saying that their second round action, after partner shows strength at the 4-level is the same on the OP hand as on Jxxxxx xxx xx xx play a different game than the one with which I am familiar.
Give partner Kxxx AKx xx KQ10x.....he's doubled 4
♦ and now has to either move over 4
♠ or find that he has missed a very good slam....and he might easily have a lot more and still be unable to act. Note that on my example, we don't even really need the club 10, since we may have a round suit squeeze on LHO.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari