Posted 2012-March-06, 13:11
If you're playing K/S (which it's clear you're not, because it's a 5cM system), or (I'm guessing) older versions of Acol, where minor openings were sounder than current, then maybe you have enough. For instance, according to K/S Updated, this hand is a 2♥ call: 5card M, forcing.
But playing K/SU, opener's hand is a 2♦ call, *not* a 2♣ call, unless the spades are at least QJx, IMO. 2♣ is "effectively forcing" in 1960's K/S, 100% forcing in K/SU.
So, (ending the digression for a minute) maybe your partner is old-fashioned and effectively, 1♦ then anything except 2♦ is "more than weak NT strength"? Under those circumstances, your hand is a clear "more than preference".
Note, I happen to like playing K/S because I like the confidence of "sound minor openings". I know I'm giving away a lot when I pass with hands that "everybody" is opening - but I don't have these kinds of problems when partner *does* open.
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)