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jec #3, board 12 A push.
Posted 2012-March-02, 13:24
i would have bid 3N, glo
"I think maybe so and so was caught cheating but maybe I don't have the names right". Sure, and I think maybe your mother .... Oh yeah, that was someone else maybe. -- kenberg
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other. -- Hamman, re: Wolff
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other. -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2012-March-02, 13:29
clear 3nt - stiff K is a fair approximation at a stop, more so in a blind auction.
trying to get to 5c when it's right is just too optimistic.
spades is unlikely to play well - it will be wrong sided and you'll get tapped, potentially killing the club suit.
trying to get to 5c when it's right is just too optimistic.
spades is unlikely to play well - it will be wrong sided and you'll get tapped, potentially killing the club suit.
Posted 2012-March-02, 13:40
Agree and like 3N.
Hi y'all!
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-March-04, 06:08
I am a 3Cer but don't mind 3N that much
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We play 2♥ as an instant double negative (or negative). Five clubs should have no real play (off two aces and I have to play hearts from hand plus a possible spade loser). So my choices are 3♣ which we hadn't discussed as forcing or not, or my choice of a gambling 3NT and hope they can't get 5 tricks before I get in. I didn't think the decision was close.
The auction was more scientific at the other table. South rebid 3♣ and north bid 3♦ allowing a more confident 3NT.