mikeh, on 2012-February-29, 13:24, said:
I took you up on your suggestion.
Justin made an intelligent post (leaving aside his typo re his major suit holding). It was succint....he rarely writes at the same length as, for example, I do. However he set out his reasoning in an understandable fashion.....very few posters elaborate and most assume that their readers can fill in the blanks, especially if they (the posters) have made a very large number of posts and can thus expect most of the readers to know something about how they, the posters, think.
You called his choice of overcall 'ludicrous', without any supportive argument.
later, when called on this, you gave some arguments, but the starting point was you, not others.
later, you said that we ought to be aware that partner had strained to reopen. When called on this, you admitted that you ought to have said that partner 'may have' strained to reopen...this is a non-trivial distinction. Once again, the criticisms voiced of you were in response to a weak (indeed, mistaken) point raised by you early in your posts.
You clearly resent the respect given to Justin. Maybe there are a few posters who upvote his a little exuberantly, but I don't assess his posts by his accumulated upvote total...I don't know what it is, other than I'm sure it's much higher than mine! And I suspect that the vast majority of posters and lurkers feel the same way.....even when we disagree with him, we find that thinking about what he has said gives us a better understanding of the issue.
so chill out.
I'm chill.

As Walter Sobchak says in The Big Lebowski, "I'm calmer than you are, dude."
I just explained this in a private message to Phil, but I'll rexplain it here.
Point 1: Calling an action ludicrous is not a judgment of the actor. It is a judgment of the action, and I stand by the judgment that an overcall is "nutso to me" or "terrible bridge" or "ludicrous" in this situation. That is an opinion of the action, not the actor.
Point 2: For the record, I originally read JLOGIC's post as saying "I would overcall under different circumstances, but here are 3 reasons I wouldn't." I still stand by that interpretation. But I can concede that he might be saying "I would overcall. Here are 3 reasons why others might not." This is vague phrasing and it's characteristic.
Point 3: This is exactly what I meant earlier by saying that I find his posts unhelpful. I find them sloppy, disorganized, uninsightful, and not fully (if at all) explained. I guess I just got to the point where I'm tired of it.
Point 4: I still think that even in the most favorable interpretation of his posts, they are dangerous. Sure, he is an expert with a whole host of partner agreements, but his statements can be interpreted very dangerously by the other 99% of the bridge-playing population who aren't playing at Expert/World Class levels with a whole host of system gadgets and a profound understand of what makes this hand different from, say,
♣x. So my point beyond point 3 (unhelpful) is, point 4, they can be dangerously misinterpreted by people who don't fully understand all the considerations, and I can even pinpoint an example of this happening in another forum post about a different hand. I called his advice on a particular situation, or at least the interpretation of his advice as stated by the poster of the hand,
terrible advice.
Point 5: Calling me a clown or a jackass is a judgment of me that has nothing to do with the soundness of my argument. These are VERY different things. VERY VERY different. And this is EXACTLY what got me angry. I have no beef with JLOGIC, I just don't have any esteem for what he writes. But I take deep, personal exception to namecalling.
It was the ad hominem attacks and attacks without the facts that angered me. Not that I hate the overcall and others may love it because JLall seems to love it; not because they disagree with any of my arguments or how I presented them.
I'm sorry, guys. I'm not going to play nice with people who call me names, and if you critique my arguments without a solid understanding of the facts, I'm going to nail your argument to the wall and carve my initials into it.
Just as I would expect you to do of me.
Right, let's get on then.