A 9 x x ........ Q J x x
A x x x x ...... K x
Q x .............. A K x x x
The slam isnt that awful even on a S lead. Youre ok if south has Kxx,Kx, and some case of Kxxx/KTxx. If they dont bid S the chance H break goes up.
In a M fit I think there is no reason in 2012 not to play frivolous 3nt/serious cuebid especially in A/E forum. But before those times, my point of view is dont bypass a cuebid unless you hand is dead minimum (or partner is limited). Playing 1995 2/1 it would go
pass or
5H (my H are poor)--6H
I think its clear that EAST must make a cuebid in face of a unlimited partner. West has no singleton and minimum values (for 1995
Note that if 4D cue is a denial (showing S asking for D) its tougher.