OK, that pretty much answers my question, so I'll give the full hand.
I haven't figued out how to put the play into the diagrams, so I'll have to do this the long way:
.. and west was stuck. I was declarer on this hand, and was feeling pretty good. This may be pretty simple for most of you, but it is only fairly recently that I have started foreseeing squeeze chances and then executing them. Although, is this even the best line on this hand?
Later reviewing the hand, I realized east could beat me by not cashing out the clubs. So I got to wondering: how routine is it to find such defense? I got my answer quite promptly, pretty much everyone was all over it. It was kinda spooky how accurately people described the closed hands
Anyway, thank you for participating in my little survey.
Life is long and beautiful, if bad things happen, good things will follow.