Posted 2012-February-12, 19:54
One doesn't always shun safety plays at MP. If you get to a good contract for which making exactly will ensure a good score, and you have a risk of going down without the safety play, then take the safety play. It's only when you feel that everybody else will make the contract and that the only way to get a HIGH score is to be to go for an overtrick, that safety plays may go by the wayside.
Here, there might be a pair or two that don't find the good slam, and there should be quite a few pairs who don't get a lead that makes the slam basically certain. In those cases, ensure the contract whenever you can.
Here, the main risk is actually that spades are 3-0. If they are not, the contract is certain: ruff the opening lead and play a spade honor from hand. If both opponents follow, lead a trump to dummy's Q♠, cash A♣ pitching a heart, and lead J♣ letting it ride (again pitching a heart) except in the very unlikely case that East covers. The 10♣ enables another heart loser to disappear, and you can ruff 2 more hearts in hand.
If spades are 3-0, then there is more risk of going down. You should still play the same way but need to leave a trump outstanding while you do your rounded suit work. You may end up needing to switch lines and ruff 3 diamonds in dummy if the 3 spades are on your left.
There is a big difference between a good decision and a good result. Let's keep our posts about good decisions rather than "gotcha" results!